Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Fast moving police cars

25 degrees this morning when I stepped out the door at 7:10.
Once the sun came up it stayed out with a few clouds here and there.

Walked down the hill and up to town with a couple of books 
to drop in the book drop at the library.
I keep talking about the library and the post office so today
I took a picture of both places.
The book drop is just to the left of the door on the left.
Front entrance is on the right.
 Walked over to the post office to mail the last few Christmas cards.
No people about again but there was a bit of excitement as I walked
down the main street just outside of town going down the hill.
With lights flashing and sirens blaring three police cars came flying 
down the road.  I mean flying.  They had to be going over 100 miles and hour.
A few seconds later two more came along.
During the next couple of minutes three more police cars came through
but they were going a bit slower.
I tell you it was pretty scary seeing all those cars moving so very fast
while I was walking on the side of the road.
Thankfully all the vehicles traveling along the road moved over
quickly to the side.
I have no idea where they were going or what the emergency was 
but I68 is down the road some 8 miles and thought maybe some kind of accident
happened there but no ambulances went past.
🚓     🚓     🚓     🚓     🚓     🚓     🚓     🚓
I spent the morning baking.
Made a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies
and a batch of Welsh Cookies. 

I make quite a mess when I'm baking!!
After lunch I cleaned up the kitchen and 
then did some knitting and reading.

Some of the cookies are for the staff at the library
and will drop them off on our way to church in just a few minutes.

Another sunny day. 😊
Hope you had a sunny day too.

happyone  💕

Sweet Symbol

A significant symbol of Christmas
is the simple candy cane.
It's shape is the crook of the shepherd
One of the first who came.

The lively peppermint flavor is
the regal gift of spice.
The white is Jesus' purity.
The red is sacrifice.

The narrow stripes are friendship.
And the nearness of His love. 
Eternal, sweet compassion
A gift from God above.

The candy cane reminds us all 
of how much God cared.
And like His Christmas gift to use
It's meant to be broken and shared.

~ Author Unknown


At Rivercrest Cottage said...

I hope you'll let us know what was going on if you find out! That sounds like a lot of police cars for such a small town.

Farm Girl said...

What a nice poem. Its so nice to read about your walks. The police cars racing by would be scary.

William Kendall said...

What a beautiful dawn.

My home lies between two major streets, so I'm quite accustomed to being awakened by passing sirens- almost always fire trucks- in the night. Police, it's much less often.

Rose said...

I usually say a little prayer when I hear sirens that no one is seriously hurt...specially when I hear it at the time I think school might be getting out.

Interesting to see your library...

ellen b. said...

Glad you were safe on that road with all the commotion and speedy cars zooming by!

Tom said...

...I question high speed driving, perhaps they can more dangerous than good.

Vee said...

I hope that you find out what that was all about (and tell us). Somehow it makes me happy to know that you make a mess when baking. 🍪

Ruth Hiebert said...

It's good to see the buildings you talk about.Hope that all ended well with the police emergency.

Granny Marigold said...

One reads about accidents caused by speeding police vehicles. I find it frightening.
It's nice to see your library and post office.
I baked cookies today too. Chocolate cookies with chocolate chips, everyone's favourite except mine. I ate one right out of the oven and that's it.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What do you mean by book drop? You just drop the books through the letter box?

Over here we take the books back and scan them on a machine, and then leave them in a box. The machine records that we have returned them on time.

God bless.

HappyK said...

The book drop is for when the library is closed and yes the books just get dropped in.
When the library is open the books are brought inside and set on the front desk. One of the librarians then scans it.

Kerin said...

With all of the men in my life being in law enforcement, my heart skips whenever I hear sirens.
Someone has a problem, and it is always my prayer that officers will stay safe, and be able to render assistance to those in need and serve and protect our communities.

Cute little city building :)

Merry Christmas!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing the places you walk past! The police cars would have scared me too! Hope your walk this morning was more peaceful! Holiday hugs!

Melanie said...

That would be a bit unsettling to have all that action happen by and so fast! I hope all was taken care of. I have yet to get to the library near me. That is just not the way I do it! Usually I'm there just about every other week.

Adam said...

I was in the middle of the road when a police chase whizzed by. Luckily they went in the other side of the road.

Lowcarb team member said...

That's a lovely sky.

All the best Jan