Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, September 03, 2018

A Happy Trails Walk

A sky picture from yesterday.
Got up late yesterday morning and didn't have time for a walk
before church, but in the afternoon I took a hike around Happy Trails.
 Pretty neat when you can take a 3 mile hike in your back yard.
Ken took this picture of me walking up our driveway.
As you can see the driveway still needs a lot of work.
Up and out of the house this morning at 6:30 and walked
the Hilly Loop.  65 degrees with a few low hanging clouds again but
then the sun came over the mountain and chased them away.

The usual cows and deer were out and about.
I managed to get this picture of some deer before they realized
I was near and ran away.  Every time I've walked passed this house
there have been deer in the yard.
I didn't see any cars this morning until 2 1/2 miles into my walk.
This route is one of the most peaceful places I've ever walked.

 As I was nearing home I encountered a black calf out of the pasture again.
He was walking down the side of the road happily munching grass.
  I chased him back home but he wouldn't
go over the cattle guard.  
Than along came Farmer Eugene and got him back in the pasture.

Ken was sitting out on the porch when I got home.
Walked 5.2 miles
Our neighbors Ron and Teresa had invited us over for a BBQ
today but they had to cancel.

Ken worked outside on his tractor digging a trench to divert
the water that comes through our fire pit when we get a hard rain.
Cleaned up the fire pit leveled it up a bit and now we will put
huge stones all around the edge of the fire pit.
It is a bit of a mess right now but I'll take some pictures
when we get finished with it.
The stones have to wait until tomorrow because we
had another thunderstorm come through this afternoon.
We sat on the porch again and watched the rain.
Sun came back out though and it is shining right now. 

I picked the last of the rhubarb and made a cobbler with it.
Had some strawberries too so added them to it.
So that will be my snack later this evening but I will add
some vanilla ice cream to it too.
Ken is not that crazy about rhubarb so I have to eat it all
myself.  It will be hard to ration it out.

Hope you smiled often today.
Life is Good
happyone  💕

"How others treat me is their path;
how I react is mine."
~ Wayne Dyer


Breathing In Grace said...

A 3 mile hike in your own back yard is awesome! Love where you're living. I'm still walking but not a fraction of how far you travel!

Dianna said...

You take the most amazing pictures from your front porch and of the clouds. Your opening picture in today's post is gorgeous! We were out for a bit this evening and took note of the beautiful clouds and the different formations. I seriously need to start carrying my camera with me.

Thank you for your prayers for Carroll tomorrow.

Ivy Green said...

Love your walking stick. Have you always been using a stick? I used to always take a stick for woods walking, helped my balance and I just enjoyed carrying it.

ellen b. said...

How very nice to have these new trails to walk on and some right on your property. How many acres do you own? Your rhubarb creation sounds delicious!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yummy! Rhubarb cobbler sounds so good.If I lived closer,I might just invite myself over to your house for a snack.LOL

Tom said...

...you sure have quite the backyard.

Adam said...

The thing about fresh produce is that it is a challenge to eat it all before it goes bad.

Joyful said...

I love the train in your background :-)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a lovely place to live in. You're lucky.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, sounds like you can get a lot of steps going up and down your driveway. I always enjoy seeing the deer. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

HappyK said...

No, don't usually take a walking stick but do walking around Happy Trails.
My son David, made the walking stick and gave it to me years ago.

HappyK said...

Happy Trails is 21 acres of woods and it seems like our own personal park. It backs unto something like 50,000 acres of state forest.

HappyK said...

and I'd love to have you stop by. 😊

Ivy Green said...

All the more special when you do get to use it.

Melanie said...

Oh my! I love strawberry rhubarb anything. I would be glad to help you!

Aritha V. said...

The clouds. How amazing!

rhubarb (rabarber in my language) I love it.

Lowcarb team member said...

That sky picture is amazing - just beautiful.

All the best Jan