Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

New Drying Rack

Up and out of the house at 6:40.
It was 64 degrees and the sun hadn't come out yet.
This picture is at the end of my driveway.  
Clear here but you can see the fog down below.
I made it to the fog and walked through it.
Had a couple Netflix to mail so today I walked to town and
went to the post office.
Then made a one loop turn around both cemeteries.
I'm walking down the hill here from one of the cemeteries
and you can it was a sunny morning here in town.
There was a low thin strip of cloud left here. 
If you look closely you can see the morning moon.
Left town and walked home again.
Walked just over 6 miles.
Since we are out of the town limits here we no longer have trash
pickup so we went down to the old house to set out our trash there.
We still have some odds and ends sitting around so while we were
there we brought some of that home.  Mostly garage and shed stuff
but I did find a kitchen drawer that I had forgotten to empty.
I still haven't found a picture and half of my cookbooks.
Have no idea where they could be.  

We hung up some shelves in the laundry/mud room and in our office.
Oh by the way sharing an office is working out fine. 
Also got some more pictures here and there put up on the walls.
We just think we are done and something else comes along that
we forgot about.  Days are still very busy.

Lunch time we drove over to Whispering Pines and had lunch.
Also bought a nice big drying rack for clothes.
Don't have a clothes line yet so this will be great until I get one
and it will get lots of use in the winter when I can't hang the clothes outside.
I have a small one but it isn't very sturdy.
Here is a picture of the two of them.
The new one is taller than I am.
Looking forward to doing the laundry tomorrow so I can use it. 
It doesn't take much to amuse me. 😊
Well I'm off to wash some of my old bottles to put on those shelves
we just hung up.

Hope your day was a good one and you smiled often.
Life is Good
happyone  πŸ’•


Ruth Hiebert said...

Those foggy scenes are lovely.Life is so much more interesting when we take note of and enjoy the little things, even a drying rack.

ellen b. said...

Nice drying rack!

Tom said...

...it was hot and windy here today, things would have dried in a jiffy.

Adam said...

Nice tall drying rack

Joyful said...

I do love the foggy scenes though I know it isn't always fun to drive through. I'm glad you are finding joy in the daily pace of life. BTW, I have changed my template once I managed to be able to get back into do that and it seems the problem was with widgets. You can now read the full post on one page. Thanks for leaving a comment about the 'new look'.

Carol W. said...

Moving is such a pain (always forgetting or misplacing something), but getting all set up in a new home is such a pleasure. I hope you find the picture or things you lost. I've moved way too many times and know how that is. Happy homecoming!

Kerin said...

That is an awesome drying rack! Those kinds of things amuse me too, so your not alone.
That fog is awesome, and you took some great pictures!!!

Smiles :)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

" ... we no longer have trash pickup ..."

Do you have to take the trash yourselves to a central location? Here we have to take recyclables (glass, wood, metal - fridges, radios, TVs etc ... to a Recycle Centre). The trash is collected weekly which we put in three different coloured containers. Black = general trash, food waste, etc. Orange = recyclables like plastic bags, bottles, newspapers, magazines, but NOT glass. Green = garden waste only. Leaves, branches, grass cuttings but NOT green food like cabbage waste, cauliflower etc ...

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, love the foggy scenes. The drying rack is really nice. Have a happy day!

bettyC said...

“If you look closely you can see the morning moon.”
Thank you. I looked closely and saw it. It touched my heart

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I need to get a drying rack! I don't like to dry some things in the dryer and we don't have a clothesline. Enjoy your day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I went back to see the moon....awesome!

HappyK said...

Yes, we now have to take it to the recycling location. It is sorted like you mentioned too but we also take general trash which goes in its own dumpster.

HappyK said...

I don't even own a dryer and haven't for the last 20 years.

Pom Pom said...

It sounds fun and house-y! Yay! I love those drying racks.

Melanie said...

I had a drying rack in Florida and I loved it! No room where I live now to put it anywhere. I saw the morning moon yesterday morning too when I took Mandy out. Whispering Pines! Ah what a lovely place to have lunch! :)

Henny Penny said...

That's so neat that you made it to the fog and walked through it. I like the new drying rack. It really is a tall one.

Aritha V. said...

Beautiful photos with the "mist" or "fog"? I love to see it!

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like the foggy scenes, and your new drying rack looks an excellent size.
So pleased you are settling well into your new home.

All the best Jan

Vee said...

I like the idea of having a drying rack on a porch. I sometimes dry clothes on the deck, but if a storm comes up... Still walking and funny how even a short distance makes a difference in your routines. What happens when the former house is sold regarding trash? Must be a transfer station nearby.

HappyK said...

The rack is nice because it folds down and I can moved it around easily.
Yes, there is a recycling facility just 6 miles or so down the road and will bring our trash there.