Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

At Home

66 degrees this morning when I left on my walk.
Very still at first and then a bit of a breeze as the sun came up.
Walked The Loop today.
Five of the 6 cows were sleeping when I walked past and one was up.
I must have woke the other 5 up because they all stood as I walked
by saying good morning to them.

In the picture I have passed by the cows and made it up to
the top of the first hill.
I'm around the bend here and about to head down a nice long curvy hill.
It is where school bus 46 passes me.
A  barn I pass along the way.
Really enjoying this new quiet route.
Walked 5.2 miles.
It doesn't bother me that I don't make my 6 miles on this route
because of all the steep hills I walk up.
I got to use my new clothes drying rack today.
It holds a full load.  I put it out on the porch and the clothes
were dried pretty quickly. 

Used my new wall oven for the first time today too
when I made a batch of Snickerdoodle Cookies for the Sunday school
kids for this Sunday coming up.
No more dials on the oven.  It is all digital and once I got use to
it I like it, though it did take a long time to preheat.
This is the first time I've had a wall unit which is really nice.
It was nice to be home all day just doing house things.
Ken was outside puttering about doing this and that.
We warmed up some left over pizza and had that for supper.
We ate all three meals today out on the porch.
We are off to Wednesday night service now.
Hope your day was a good one and you smiled often.
Life is Good
happyone  πŸ’•
"Life is really simple,
but we insist on making it complicated."
~ Confucius


Happy@Home said...

How fun to get a glimpse of your new walking route. Looks very pretty.
I am even more behind than I realized on blog reading. I just read back to your post with the interior pictures of your new home all set up and moved in. It looks so nice. You must be so happy to be moved in. I was sorry to hear that you haven't been able to sell your other house yet. We met with our realtor today and have found out that the market here has slowed from what it was when we first met with her in January. I guess we will soon find out what that means for us.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Sitting out on the porch to eat sounds wonderful! And I love that big barn and the yellow flowers. Life has gotten very complicated for us but I'm sure it will all work out! Hugs!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

The hills and the pretty view must make your new walking route a pleasure.

Adam said...

That's a big barn

ellen b. said...

Pretty soon I'll be getting used to my new appliances. Lovely photos from your walk!

Tom said...

...lovely scenery to enjoy on your new walk.

Granny Marigold said...

You have a lovely walking route complete with friendly cows that stand up to greet you. I like the mist hanging in the hills in the first photo.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That winding road looks so pretty.

Joyful said...

I really love the scenery on your new walking route. Very beautiful and peaceful. I'm glad you like your new stove. I have a digital one too with a flat, ceramic top. I like that I no longer need to put covers over the burners but I don't like that the rings burn easily and are hard to clean. I also find it takes quite a long time to pre-heat the oven. But with the older model I never knew if the oven was really heated to the temperature. Most people probably never think about it. They just turn on the oven and put the food in, lol. Enjoy getting to know your new home.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Confucius was right. But then, he did not have Nouvelle Cuisine for lunch. Or a temperamental computer that cuts out half way through a senten .... ....

God bless.

Kerin said...

That is a great barn!
Thanks for sharing the picture :)

I can't imagine a better place to eat meals, than outside with your views :)

Smiles :)

Melanie said...

Always enjoy taking walks with you even if I'm doing it virtually. I love the look of old barns.

Inger said...

You describe your good life so well, you make me smile.

Pom Pom said...

It sounds right and good. God's peace is abundant, isn't it?

Cat Lover said...

Your new walk looks so beautiful Karen! Glad to hear everything is going so well in your new house.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Snickerdoodles........I have not made those in years! They are such a good cookie and when my children were small they would eat them all up. Such a lovely quiet looking road to enjoy a walk on!

Lowcarb team member said...

It really sounds as if you're settling in so well, I'm so pleased for you.
Lovely scenery around you.

All the best Jan