Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Driving to Staunton

Just a quick 3.3 mile walk this morning.
52 degrees with sunshine and no wind.  A beautiful morning
Walked down the main street in town and around the cemeteries
twice and one around the ball park loop.

A quick walk because we had to leave the house at 8:00.
Picked up the church trailer with the Roman's books that have
been assembled and dropped them off in a warehouse in 
Staunton, Virginia.  It is a 3 hour drive one way from home.
Picked up the next pallet for us to
assemble which is another 20,000 and brought them back to church.
All set now to have a Fingerprint Ministry day next week.

Near there is a huge antique mall and we spent almost 2 hours
looking around there.  It would take days to look at everything there.
Just looked and didn't buy anything.

While Ken did the driving I knitted and finished one dish/wash cloth
and just got started on another. 
Got the trailer back to church at 6:30 which left us a half hour
before the Wednesday night service began.
After we got home from church it was nice to sit down
and have a nice bowl of ice cream.
That's been my day and now after a little reading it will be
time for bed.
Hope your day was a happy one.
Life is Good
happyone  💕


Ruth Hiebert said...

That antique mall looks huge.It would be an all day adventure or more.

Adam said...

That is pretty large for an antique mall

Tom said...

...that sure is a huge antique mall. 😀

Lisa said...

We have a couple huge antique malls here in town, No way you can see everything in one round. I will usually look but never buy. I find that a lot of things are way over priced or I have no place for it.
I love to crocet in the car, it makes the trip go faster but then again, I miss the view.

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

Your first picture is so beautiful. That antique shop looks amazing, it’s huge xx

Dianna said...

Oh that antique mall would have been right up my alley! I noticed in the one picture that it said McCoy Blvd. I'm wondering if that led to McCoy pottery?

I know the Lord will bless you and Ken for your time that you've given in service to Him for the trip and then next week when you help with the Fingerprint Ministry. xx

Ruta M. said...

The antique mall does look enticing. I found myself peering at the photos to see what there was on the stands. I have enough lovely things in my loft to start a shop of my own so I rarely buy but looking is fun too.

HappyK said...

Probably but don't know for sure.