Saw this beautiful rainbow this morning on my walk.

"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky"
~ William Wordsworth
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Out the door at 6:35 this morning taking my morning walk.
"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky"
~ William Wordsworth
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Out the door at 6:35 this morning taking my morning walk.
It was 44 degrees and mostly cloudy.
Had some on and off light rain showers every so often and one time
the rain came down hard but it only lasted for about 10 seconds!!
Had some on and off light rain showers every so often and one time
the rain came down hard but it only lasted for about 10 seconds!!
Went walking by myself today, David was still asleep when I left.
It has been nice walking with him and I enjoyed his company,
but it was nice walking alone again which is what I prefer.
Sometimes people say walking with some one makes the time go faster
but not for me. The time zooms by when I'm walking and I'm always
surprised how much time has gone by and I have to head home.
Went up and down the streets in town, around both cemeteries,
the ball park loop and around town again.
It has been nice walking with him and I enjoyed his company,
but it was nice walking alone again which is what I prefer.
Sometimes people say walking with some one makes the time go faster
but not for me. The time zooms by when I'm walking and I'm always
surprised how much time has gone by and I have to head home.
Went up and down the streets in town, around both cemeteries,
the ball park loop and around town again.
The horses were out down by the barn across from the Drane house.
They were eating from a big pile of hay and didn't care one bit
that I was there talking to them.
Walked 6.3 miles
So today I made some chocolate chippers to take along with us tomorrow.
Most of you know I always take cookies for them at the office.
Of course there were some left for home too, though I was good and
didn't eat any. (at lease not today)
It's been a rainy day so it was nice that I didn't have to go anywhere.
Been going through some more stuff deciding whether it stays or goes.
A happy day to you.
happyone 😊
Most of you know I always take cookies for them at the office.
Of course there were some left for home too, though I was good and
didn't eat any. (at lease not today)
It's been a rainy day so it was nice that I didn't have to go anywhere.
Been going through some more stuff deciding whether it stays or goes.
A happy day to you.
happyone 😊
...lovely, it's rare to see a rainbow this time of year here.
Great rainbow!
Lovely idea of taking cookies along with you for the appointment. I might take some to the bank next time we go. The clerks there are truly special and know our account without us giving them any info.
That is quite a rainbow! I always like walking alone. Gives me time to think.
Beautiful captures of the rainbow.
The rainbow is gorgeous! Some things people never see because they don't get outside! Enjoy your evening!
What a beautiful sight to see! It always makes me think of God's promise never to destroy the earth by flood again.
It's always fun to capture a rainbow!
I also prefer to walk alone to tell the truth.
THe colour of the sky and rainbow are so unusually beautiful!
Sometimes I prefer company walking and other times I can just head out and enjoy my own company!
Wow, beautiful rainbow! I enjoy my alone time too, I am sure your son will appreciate the cookies too. Enjoy and have a happy day!
How nice to start the day seeing that beautiful rainbow.
Also nice that David is there for a visit.
That is such a pretty rainbow!! You are so good about making cookies. I hum and haw and think, do I really want to make a mess in the kitchen? That's why I never get any cookies made.
Oh my...that GORGEOUS rainbow...what a wonderful thing to add to your morning walk! Like you, I prefer to walk alone as well...I don't want to talk when I walk but I do like to use it as time to think and even pray. I am so looking forward to when I retire to be able to walk every morning!
Oh wow, that is an amazing rainbow!! Have a wonderful weekend :)
Rainbows are always a treat, but that one looks especially nice.
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