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Another foggy morning with the sun coming out after a while.
It was 58 degrees.
Since it was Saturday and no one going to work at the industrial park
I headed over that way for my walk and walked all around there.
It seems all the rabbits from town decided to meet up there.
I lost count of how many I saw in the IP.
Left there and when I walked past my house I stopped
and dropped off my sweatshirt. Once the sun made an appearance was warm out.
Continued my walk up one side of town and down the other
before completing my 6 mile walk.
Found 2 pennies
As most early Saturday mornings it was very quiet and peaceful around town.
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Did a few chores around the house and late morning we went up to
Happy Trails to the house site.
Took along a picnic lunch and had lunch up there.
Wilbur came and hauled the rest of the trees away.
We mostly played with the fire, keeping it going by throwing brush into it.
Ken turned on the leaf blower and blew air in at the bottom of the fire
pile and it sure got a good fire going.
Here's the pile still smoldering away.
I took a walk out in the back yard.
It was nice hanging around up at HT and enjoying the day.
A happy day to you.
happyone 💗
"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."
~ Peter Marshall
Never knew a leaf blower could do the trick
So nice to see the different colours in your first photograph.
That's a good tip to use a leaf blower!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
All the best Jan
I like that quote. No chance of burning anything around here with all the burning bans in place. We hope the rains that are predicted for tomorrow will help put out the rest of the fires in the Northwest, Montana and elsewhere.
Certainly looks like it was a good fire. Enjoy the rest of your weekend xx
...the fog this morning was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.
Nice photos!
And I love this quote:
"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."
~ Peter Marshall
You first picture is so beautiful.
I know its September now but, An old farmer told me that the number of fogs in August tell how many snow will be in the winter. I counted two here.
What a lovely Saturday Karen. We have been waking up to fog in the mornings too.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Hello, looks like a nice day. I like the foggy scene. The fall colors are pretty. I've been seeing a bunny eating our morning glories lately. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!
The fog seems to add to the ambiance. so pretty. someone once told me that seeing a bunny in your yard is good luck.. I wonder if seeing multiple rabbits elsewhere is? : )
I admire you and your 6 mile walks. Maybe once we get out of Baltimore I will be able to get outside and move more often. happy Sunday
It's so fun to spend time together on a building site, imagining, having a first meal there, plus the fun of a good outdoors fire in the fall. Lovely!
What beautiful surroundings you have there at Happy Trials. So nice you were able to spend the day there with Ken. Enjoy the coming week.
Great fotos... and progress on the house. Will you be able to continue walking on the same roads when Y'all move?
Glad you ended up with a nice day to walk and then spend time at HT. A happy tired at the end of the day :)
The weather is transitioning to fall rather quickly. Keep enjoying each day.
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