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Nice cool walking weather this morning.
48 degrees with sunshine though there were some low hanging clouds around.
Walked straight through town this morning down toward Happy Trails a ways
before turning around and headed back to town.
Then walked the cemeteries and around the ball park loop.
Made a stop at the house to drop off my sweatshirt.
Continued my walk around town.
Kathy was walking again and we stopped for a little chat.
A couple more pictures from my walk .
Walked 6.2 miles
Sunrise 6:47
Sunset 7:46
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Finished up a bit of cleaning that I didn't get done yesterday.
Got the sheets washed and hung out on the line.
In the afternoon I went outside again and finished the weeding in that one garden by the house and cut down the old daises and some cone flowers by the house.
The cone flowers on the other side of the house I'm leaving there.
They are right outside the dining room windows and we like to watch the Goldfinches eat the seeds. Yesterday there were 4 of them at one time eating.
Not a very good picture but I got these two finches through the window.
For me, today the weather was perfect.
Sunny with big white puffy clouds in a bright blue sky and 70 degrees.
Ken is at a church meeting this evening.
I'll read till he gets home and then have a snack and watch Netflix.
We only watch Netflix now and haven't watched television in months.
Did you happen to notice all the little pictures I've started using
between sections on my post?
They have always been there on my computer listed under Emoji
but I could never get blogger to post them.
I happened to try again and they now work.
I've been having a bit of fun using them.
A happy day to you.
happyone : )
"Wherever you do,
no matter what the weather,
always bring your own sunshine."
~ Anthony J D'Angelo
Comment replies:
Melanie - Actually we ate some of the left over manicotti from yesterday for supper again today. One more meal of it is in the freezer.
I enjoyed your lovely blog. I just sent you an e-mail, another update.
Wow, your first photo is just lovely.
Nice to see the picture of the finches too.
I did see the little symbols around your posts, they work well don't they.
Good wishes for the coming weekend
All the best Jan
Sounds like your weather is perfect.The pictures sure are beautiful.
Beautiful morning mist rolling over the countryside! Just love it! I'm sure it makes your walks all the more enjoyable!
Great to see the finches on the coneflowers too!
Your 48 is my 78. I thought it was cool and it was compared to our recent 99 degree weather. I feel Fall in the air.
Hello, pretty images. I love the goldies on the coneflowers. We leave the flowers for the birds to eat the seeds too. The cooler weather is nice! Happy Saturday, enjoy your Labor Day weekend!
I don't watch TV either but have had Netflix. The finches are so sweet. I don't think we have any around here, at least any I've seen. I'm glad you are getting cooler weather. It is such a shot in the arm for me when that happens! Have a great weekend.
For the first time my thermostat fell well below were I set it. I had it at 79, I woke up and it was 74. Pretty much everyday since June the temp would be at least 80 without the Ac turned on
We're experiencing some wonderful weather here in NE Texas too. Finally it's getting towards walking weather and I hope to do a little of that outside now. Won't be able to catch up to you, but will enjoy the exercise.
🍦 Just thought I'd try a little picture to see if it works. I liked your signing off with a balloon above.
It worked! 🌼Thanks for letting us know!
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