Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, August 09, 2013

Rainy day

Another rainy night and this time the rain didn't stop when morning came so I had a rainy walk.  It was warm too at 70 degrees so didn't wear my rain pants but did take my umbrella.  The rain came down heavy at times and it was so nice walking in it.  : )
Walked my farm route.  Just getting started here walking down the main road.
The little streams and ponds on the farms were all high.
A country road in the rain.
One of the barns along the way.
Walking down the road I saw two escaped cows running down the hill on a side street headed towards me.  I was feeling a little uncomfortable not knowing how to act around cows  when a car went up the hill toward the cows and they ran they other way.  I guess I would have just taken their picture as they ran past me if that car hadn't come along. : )

I walked 6.1 miles and my steps were 12,005.
I found a penny. : )
Sunrise 6:24
Sunset 8:21
We had a visitor last night.  Pastor Leatherman and a visitor from the church we went to Sunday stopped by.  We had a nice chat and told them we'd be back to church Sunday. : )

So far it's been raining on and off all day.  We've just been home puttering around the house doing a little of this and that.  

Hope your Friday is a good one.
happyone : )
Being honest may not get you a lot of friends,
but it'll always get you the right ones.
~John Lennon


Nellie said...

We were expecting rain, according to the forecast, but we have had none today. It is good you didn't have to deal with lightning.

Have a good Friday afternoon and evening!

Anonymous said...

How very nice of Pastor Leatherman to visit you already. I'm glad so many things are working out well for you.
How about those cows on the run. I was in the position of trying to get runaway cows out of the highway and into the barn when I was first married. Not fun! MJ

Vee said...

I'm very impressed with your pastor! Are those cows the ones in your header? They look a little annoyed or is it just me?

Deb J. in Utah said...

A lovely rainy day. I think having a couple of cows run down a hill towards me would have made me a bit uncomfortable too! So nice your pastor visited you so soon after you found your church! He must be a wonderful, caring man of God. Enjoy your weekend.

Kerri Farley said...

I've done some walking in the rain too (seems like we've had a LOT this JULY) and it is refreshing!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love the picture of the stream overflowing. I love rain. Was the penny heads up? :)

Retired Knitter said...

Wow, how interesting. You wouldn't see loose running cows in Columbia!! :-)