The edges of the path behind the church that leads to the lake was getting its weekly mowing.
Actually all the paths and grass around the whole lake get a weekly mowing and Tuesday is the day they usually do it. They stop their mowing when people walk by.
It was a nice walk around the lake but I didn't see much wildlife. I'm thinking the geese went farther north because it is too hot around here and the deer just stay deeper in the woods where it is cooler. All the rabbits were still around.
The usual amount of people around but it seemed today there were mostly runners out.
I walked 6.3 miles.
Sunrise 6:07
Sunset 8:20
Drove on over to the mill for the Tuesday morning knitting group after doing a few quick chores and eating breakfast.Just a few people there for the longest time and then some more showed up and we ended up having 11 people there.
I made some weave-it squares for yet another blanket.
I never did get to do any reading yesterday but there is always today. : )
I hate to admit this but I got a Red Light Camera Citation in the mail the other day. At first when it came, I right away thought it must have been Kenny, but then I realized it was for me! And then I remembered exactly where I did it. Last week on the way to knitting I was in the left turn lane and the light turned yellow. I had already waited through the light once and I know that is no excuse. I did have plenty of time to stop and I should have but I didn't. By the time the light was red it was too late to stop and around the corner I went. The ticket is $75.Here's the picture they mailed me of me in my red car and you can see I surely did go through the red light. The first picture was taken on this side of the line. Second picture I'm in the intersection. There was a third picture also of a close up shot of my license plate. I'm sure the car to my left got one too because I made it around the corner before he did.
When I showed it to Ken I commented how nice my car looked in the picture. He laughed and said he would take a picture of me in my car anytime, and I didn't have to go through a red light.
I was really upset with myself because I really do not run red lights and get upset with others when they do it. I still think the red light cameras are a great idea and I will certainly be more careful in future.
So off I go to write out that check and get it in the mail!!
Hope all is well in your part of the world.
A smile from me to you.
Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot,
and anyone going faster than you is a maniac.
~ Author Unknown