Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Just enjoy

Today as I limped along on my walk, one of my prayers was to ask God to make my leg better so I could once again walk fast and as far as I wanted.  Then walking along, some interesting thoughts came to mind and I decided to make a couple of changes.
I have been a bit impatient waiting for my leg to return to normal.   Not walking for a few days and now just being able to go three miles I appreciate walking all the more.  Just being outside early and hearing the birds and seeing the beauty around me is awesome.  It doesn't matter if I walk 3 or 6 or 8 miles, I am blessed to be able to walk at all.  So many people can't even walk a mile.  I feel like I am becoming obsessed with  keeping track of the miles and having too many goals set.  I need to just enjoy the walking without setting goals about it.
So though I will still post about my walks and post how far I walk, I am not going to be concerned if I don't make at least 6 miles EVERY DAY.
I will no longer keep an excel spread sheet of my miles.
I will no longer keep the Ticker Factory goal of walking 2000 miles a year at the bottom of my blog and have already removed it.
I will no longer keep track of my walking and exercising with WalkerTracker and have taken that off my sidebar too.
I WILL just enjoy walking no matter how far or having to have goals about it!!  : )

So this morning I had a nice walk down the street and along the one path.  I walked over a couple of footbridges, heard the birds chirping and enjoyed the green of spring starting to come out all around me. It was a cloudy morning and 45 degrees.  A few other people were out enjoying the morning too.  I had a great walk and was glad to be able to walk the 3.1 miles that I did.

Ken is over at the old house for part of the day building trusses for the roof of our shed which we will start building soon on our land.  He is trying to get some things done here to save time building on the land.  I usually would have gone to help but still want to rest my leg.  The up and down that I would have to do might not be such a good idea. 

So I will be at home doing the usual every day house chores and then read, knit or maybe do some work on the huge counted cross stitch project I'm working on.

Tonight we are going to Ram's Head Live in Annapolis to see Shawn Colvin who I've never heard off before, but I'm sure I'll enjoy the show. : )

Enjoy your Saturday and do something different and fun.
A happy day to you.
 Difficult times have helped me to understand
better than before,
how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way,
and that so many things that one goes worrying about
are of no importance whatsoever.
~ Isak Dinesen

Friday, March 30, 2012

Extra chocolate

Chilly this morning - only 32 degrees.  I limped along slowly again walking this morning but this time I went 3.3 miles. Just walked down one of the main paved paths and then off on this trail in the woods for a bit and then back home again.
Some of the deer are getting so used to cars along the road where I walk that they are stopping to look before crossing the street.  I saw four of them all in a line come out of the woods.  The first one stopped and when there were no cars coming all four of them took their time and walked across the street.

Today I didn't see anyone else at all on the paths.
I finally got around to putting my spring wreath up on the front door. 
It started getting cloudy but I didn't think it was going to rain so I hung a load of laundry out on the line.  That turned out not to be such a good idea because a half hour later it started drizzling.  Got them off the line but they were no where near dry yet so I had to use my drying rack inside.  They still managed to get that good smell about them though so all was not lost!

I ironed seven of Ken's work shirts and then thought I would have some fun and baked one of my favorite chocolate cake recipes.  The recipe is HERE
Mixing the ingredients I realized that I didn't have sour cream so hopped on line and found a sour cream substitute.  Just mix up the following three ingredients.  I only needed 1/2 cup.
  1. One cup cottage cheese
  2. 2 Tablespoons milk
  3. 1 Tablespoon lemon juice

One of the best parts of baking the cake was to lick the bowl.  How can that not put a smile on your face!! : ) 

There are four squares of chocolate in the cake and another two in the icing.  I put all six of them on the counter. When I went to make the chocolate icing which is more of a chocolate drizzle, I saw that the two squares of chocolate weren't there and realized that I had put all six in the cake.  So I just got out two more chocolate squares for the icing.  Oh my, this cake should be extra chocolaty!!  That can't be bad!!

Earlier in the morning I threw the bread ingredients in the bread machine and for lunch had fresh bread with strawberries.  I love strawberry sandwiches.

Cleaned up the kitchen and did a few other chores around the house and that's been my day so far.
It will be nice to sit down and read my book until Ken gets home from work.

A happy Friday to you.
Think of me and smile. : )
Rivers know this:
there is no hurry.
We shall get there someday.
~ A.A. Milne

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Little by little

This was the morning I decided to get out there and try to walk.  It was slow going as I limped along but I walked to the first footbridge, turned around and came back home and walked around the block.  I only walked 2.2 miles and it took me 50 minutes!!  Normally that would have taken 32 minutes.  BUT it was still so nice to be outside early in the morning again.  I saw 5 deer cross the path in front of the footbridge as I was getting there.  The last one was hurt and as he limped across the path I said , "I can feel for you buddy."
Only saw one other person out but that was probably because I wasn't out there very long.  The sun was out and shining when I got home.  Little by little I'll eventually get back to a normal walk!!

I made up a shopping list and went to the commissary.  As I was checking out the strawberries I hear someone say, "Hey Karen, how are you doing?"  It was an old walking friend Linda from the path I used to walk on at the other house.  Sometimes we would walk together for a few miles.  So today we stopped to talk among the fruit to catch up with each other.  We ran into each other again and again as we walked up and down the aisles.
There were no lines to wait on checking out and I had a nice and friendly cashier. 
I walked another mile walking up and down the aisles shopping.

Just as I got home David called.  He got another clue about the GeoCach that we couldn't find yesterday so tomorrow I'll go and try to find it again.  Tried this morning but still couldn't find it.  

My latest knitting project is this place mat.  I thought a pair of them might be a nice gift for someone.  Maybe a dishcloth to go along with it too if I have enough yarn. 
I'm hanging around home this afternoon, doing a little reading and maybe a little knitting.  Just the usual, but enjoying it.

Hope this day finds you mostly with a smile.
Some people are too tired to give you a smile.
Give them one of yours,
as none needs a smile so much 
as he who has no more to give.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Days

Thank you all for the well wishes for my leg injury.  I think you all know how much I'm missing my walks and want to get back to them.   Today wasn't the day to get back to a 6 mile walk though.  I may not be able to take my morning walk but I've had compensation.
Yesterday late afternoon I got a call from David.  He was back in town but this time brought the kids with him.  : ) 
They all came over and stayed for supper.  The kids and I played a few card games before supper - go fish, crazy 8's, and war.  We each won a game.  After supper David and Ken joined us and we all played Chinese checkers.
It takes quite a while with 5 people playing.  It was fun and I loved every minute of it.  Japhy was starting to get tired and they left about 8:00.  They left with a bag of gramma's chocolate chip cookies which they knew I would have for them. 
I didn't mind them leaving because they promised me they would return this morning for a pancake breakfast! 
So I made pancakes and watched this pile of them disappear.
They introduced me to Geocaching which you can learn about HERE if you don't know what it is.  There happened to be three places all within a half mile of my house.  So we all went for a walk to find these geocach hiding places.  When David read the first clue about it being near a very old big tree on one of my walking paths I knew right away which tree they were talking about.  So the four of us set off walking to find the hidden cach.
Here is the tree with David, Japhy and Scout.  David is pointing to the tree and is using his pointer finger though at first glance it doesn't look like it!!!
Near it hidden in a fallen tree Scout finds what we have been looking for.  
Japhy pointing to it too.
This one didn't have any treasure inside to trade but just a paper to sign so others know we found it.
Down this path here we found another one which took a while because it was well hidden.  
 I found this one and it had a small charm in it.  Since we didn't have anything to trade I am going to go back tomorrow and put a little something in it for the next people to find.
The third one was hidden somewhere in the little shopping center courtyard across the street from my house but after looking for it for quite a while we had to give up because we just couldn't find it.  I'll have to go back and look again sometime.
It was really fun to do and it was nice getting outside to walk even just for a little bit.  I was a little slow but managed to walk 3 miles by the time we got back home.
After drinks it was time for them to leave.  They were going to the Baltimore Aquarium this afternoon and then back home.  They leave me sitting home here now with some more happy memories! : )  How blessed I am to be their mom and gramma.

My leg feels quite good with the bit of walking I did but I think I'll rest it for the rest of the afternoon. I have some knitting and reading to do.
I think tonight it would be a good idea to go out for pizza.

Have a wonderful day, my friends.
It's such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother,
that's why the world calls her grandmother.
~ Author Unknown

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Not yet

My leg is slowly getting better but I'm still walking around with a limp and moving pretty slowly.  I'm not used to this at all!!  I guess I need to learn a little patience.  It sure could be a lot worse, at least I can still get around fine and I know it won't be long before I'll see my lake again. : )

Yesterday morning I was on the deck hanging out a load of laundry when I hear someone say, "Good Morning."  Didn't see anyone at first and just though it was someone across the street talking when I hear it again.  I think, that sounds like David.  I looked around my clothes and sure enough there was my son walking up the street. : )  He knows I walk around the lake and was over there running around the lake looking for me.  He stopped by for a visit and stayed a couple of hours.  He's taking his vacation now and looking up old friends in the area before flying out to Denver to visit Debbi this week for her birthday.   So nice spending some time with David.  Just like old times when he lived near and would pop in to see me. 

I made it to my knitting group on time this morning because I had all that extra time in the morning.  I never did count how many of us were there but the table was packed full.  I started knitting a place mat.  I'll make a couple and give them as gifts to someone.

From there I stopped at the library again.  Returned some books and checked out one that I had on hold.  There were other books I wanted to check out but knew I'd not have time to read them yet so used restraint and told myself NO.

So that's what I've been doing today.
Hope you are enjoying your day.
Patience is the ability to count down
before you blast off.
~Author Unknown

Monday, March 26, 2012

The past few days

It's been a few days since I've posted.  I didn't walk Friday or Saturday because Ken took a vacation day Friday and we went up to our land in western Maryland.  But I did do a lot of walking there!  Yesterday morning I walked 6 miles before church but today I DID NOT walk!!  Last Sunday I fell down the stairs but didn't get hurt and it didn't keep me from walking, this Sunday (yesterday) I fell again, though not down a flight of stairs.  We were at the old house and I noticed a birds nest up in a ledge house up on a pole that I had made and I wanted to see if there were any eggs in it.  Instead of getting the step ladder I climbed up on an old cast iron shelf thing that was there as a decoration.  Any way it came lose and I fell down on it on my right leg.  Nothing broke but it hurt and I couldn't put any weight on my leg.  My leg feels much better this morning but I still have to limp and don't think I'd be able to walk very far.  It was a stupid thing to do and I really HATE not being able to walk. 
We had a very nice day on Friday up on our land.  We finally decided on the location to build the first building which will be the shed to keep Ken's new toy in which we went into town to buy.  Here he is on his new Kubota.
The backhoe which goes on the back has to be ordered which will take a few weeks and then has to be put on the back of the tractor.  Then they will deliver it right to our land. 
There was a bit of a clearing here and we cleared it out more and marked it off for the shed.
The shed will be long enough to put the tractor in and an ATV.  We decided to add a second floor on the back end of the shed for storage which we can use for a room for us to stay in while we build our cabin.  Here's a rough sketch of it that Ken drew.
Friday was a nice sunny warm day but then later in the evening the clouds rolled in while we had dinner in town at Brenda's which makes very good pizza!!! 
We wanted to spend the one night in the back of the pick up truck so we brought wood with us and made a plywood box which we set in the back of the truck.  Ken had built parts of it during the week and we just laid the pieces in the truck on the way up and had to put it together once we got there.  It was big enough to stand up in and even had a door at the back.

We had an air mattress in the back and it was quite comfortable but it was quite an adventure spending the night in it.  We had to hurry while putting it together because it wasn't only clouds rolling in but a thunder storm.  We put a tarp on the top hoping it would keep out the rain.  We no sooner got everything done and the rain came.   Not a light rain but heavy down pours with lightening and thunder that lasted ALL NIGHT long.  God was certainly watching out for us because we stayed cozy and dry in our make shift camper.  We had a generator so we had lights back there with us too.  When morning came and it was still raining figured we just have to get soaking wet while taking the box apart, but it stopped raining just as we started taking things apart (we left the wood up there on our land under a tarp which we can use on the shed).  Once we were done and all ready to go it started raining again and rained the rest of the day. 
One more thing, look what Ken made me.  My own potty for the woods.  Now it just needs some walls around it. : )
Today I will be spending the day at home TRYING to stay off my leg as much as possible hoping that it will be fine tomorrow so I can get back to walking.  I already have clothes drying on the line and have done some basic chores around the house.  I am way behind on blog reading having been off the computer for a few days so that should keep me off my leg!!

Hope all is fine in your part of the world.
A happy Monday to you.
Every evening I turn my worries over to God.
He's going to be up all night anyway.
~ Mary C. Crowley

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A foggy morning

Another one of those foggy misty mornings.  It was warm again with a temperature of 58 degrees.  I still wore my hood up on my sweatshirt to keep my hair from frizzing up too much so I was pretty warm by the time I got home. 
I walked my connect the path route and only met one other person on the paths. 
Four deer ran across the path in front of me and it was nice to hear all the birds chirping and calling out to each other.  Heard a couple of woodpeckers too but couldn't see where they were.
It looks like a new pipe is planned for this spot here.  Rocks just won't be enough to hold back the water coming over the path and washing it out.
I found three pennies this morning but they were sticky with candy stuck on them.  So I picked them up with a tissue and washed them when I got home.  Then put them in my bank. Boy, what I don't do for three cents!! : )
I walked 6.5 miles.

A couple people asked about my walking shoes and what I recommend.
New Balance are the shoes I like best.  I wear a wide width.  The last time when I bought shoes I couldn't find a woman's wide so I got a pair of boys shoes.  They are made wider and were cheaper than woman's shoes. 
A shoe has to feel comfortable as soon as I put it on.  No breaking it in time.  It won't happen.  If it isn't comfortable right from the beginning walking 6 miles in them will NOT make my feet feel good!  I also like them to feel very light.
When buying shoes I always wear the socks I will be walking in.  I wear a cotton blend, not too thick and not too thin.  I guess that's it really.  Your shoes just have to feel right for you. 

I'm just at home today.  Nothing planned.   Some chores, being on the computer, reading and just whatever I come across to do.

Fill your Thursday with happy thoughts and deeds.
Sometimes the only way you can 
take a really good look at yourself
is through somebody else's eyes.
~From the tv show scrubs

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Retired another pair of walking shoes

Another morning with the temperature at 60 degrees, but no fog, just cloudy.  I walked around the lake and kept to the path.  Pretty quite out there this morning.  The geese are not in groups anymore but just lots of pairs.  I'm sure we will be seeing baby geese before too long.  Lots of birds around all making their pretty morning sounds.
Only a few people did I see by the lake.
I noticed this azalea bush is in bloom now.  It's the only one I've seen blooming.
It was time to retire my latest walking shoes and get out the next new pair.  I usually buy two at a time so had this pair in the closet.  First time walking in them today and my feet felt great so these are another good pair!!   I walked 6.5 miles.

Those rolls from yesterday came out good and made great sandwiches for supper last night.  Ken didn't get home till  8:00 and I waited for him to eat so we were really hungry.  Maybe that's why the sandwiches tasted so good. : )

I had to do a little baking today because the last three bananas sitting on the counter turned into some ugly looking brown things so I turned them into some delicious Banana Bread.

I've been meaning to transplant a couple of house plants I bought a while ago into bigger pots and I finally got around to doing that this afternoon.  Hope they survive the bigger pots.

Still have a few chores to do before I can sit down and read some more so off I go.
Hope your day is filled with sunshine even if it is a cloudy day.
Clouds or no clouds,
life is grand.
Be grateful for all the
varieties of weather in your life.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A new favorite

A warm morning at 60 degrees, but a dark, foggy misty morning.  It did lightened up but stayed foggy and misty.
I walked around the lake again this morning.  Very few people out.
Very quiet and still by the lake.  Every once in a while I would hear a rustling of the leaves and it would be a squirrel running around.  A geese honking in the distance could be heard and only a few chirping birds every now and then.  I saw five deer and the heron fly low over the water.  The picture of the two ducks are a couple I see every day.  They are always together.
As always I'm so thankful to have such great places to walk each morning.
I walked 6.3 miles.
Oh, I have discovered another favorite flavor of ice cream.  This one is called Devil's Food Cake. It is described this way.  Smooth chocolate ice cream filled with rich chocolate cake batter swirl and chewy cake pieces.  Oh my doesn't that sound good!!
That was my snack last night and it will be again tonight!  : )

After walking this morning I had little time in the morning to do my morning routine and rushed around getting ready to go to my Tuesday Knitting group.  I'm knitting a square to go on the end table between Ken and my chairs in the living room.  It will act as one big coaster.  It is cotton so I can throw it in the washing machine.  I am hoping to finish it later this evening.
Someone brought candy she had made to share with us.  This seems to be a new thing lately.  People bringing food.  It is nice of them but hard for us who are trying not to eat all this extra food.  I'm pretty good once I make up my mind not to eat any and I did good again today! : )
There were 16 of us there today. 

From knitting I had to stop at the library to pick up a book that was on hold and also picked up a few more books so once again I have LOTS of books to read all due at different times!!  I have one other book on hold and I just know I'll get an email tomorrow telling me it is there waiting for me to pick up!

They other day when I made a pot roast for supper Ken sliced up the leftovers in nice thin pieces and I put them in the freezer.  Tonight we are going to have pot roast sandwiches for supper.  I'm making the rolls.  I made the dough in the bread machine and then punched it down and cut the dough into 6 equal parts and tried to shape them into long rolls.  They are now rising for an hour before baking.  I'll take a picture of them when they are done (if they come out looking good) and post it tomorrow.

So now I'm off to read blogs, do a few things around the house, and then read until Ken comes home from work.  He is coming home on the late side so it will be easy to just make the sandwiches when he gets here.

Happy Spring!!
Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.
~Virgil A. Kraft

Monday, March 19, 2012

Down the stairs

I am thankful that I have always drank my milk and that I have strong bones!  And that I was able to walk today.  Yesterday as I started down the stairs from the kitchen to the lower level and garage I lost my footing and fell down the flight of stairs.  I was on my way to church and had my purse in one hand and my Bible in the other.  When I landed at the bottom I was still holding both things.  I stood up, felt fine and walked to church!  : )  I smile and think God was watching over me because I was on my way to church and He didn't want me to miss going.

Saturday we did meet our goal of filling 5,000 plastic eggs with candy for the egg hunt.  We call the egg filling day, Chicken Coop Fellowship and some one baked this cake which was one of the goodies we got to eat before work began.
I walked over to the lake this morning.  The work is done, the barriers are gone, and our path is once again open all the way around the lake.  They did a great job and now there are no more wet spots to walk through.  I almost wish that is would get cold and icy so we can see if the paths stay clear!
Here is a picture of one of the picnic pavilions at the lake that you can rent for the day.  They are getting renovated and this is one of three that are finished.  Not sure if ALL of the pavilions will be getting done.
I saw a few red winged black birds again and many robins.  I thought I smelled deer, and sure enough I looked off the path into the woods and there they were.  Two of them just looking at me.

The morning started off a bit hazy and damp but by the time I was near home again the sun was shining in a blue sky.
The cherry trees by the lake are starting to bloom.  
Instead of walking the path behind the church on the way home I walked down the street and took this picture of this beautiful old Magnolia tree. 
Once again it was great to be out there in the early morning walking and seeing the start of another day.
I found a lucky penny and walked 6.4 miles.
The weekend seemed to go by much too fast and here it is Monday already.
I'm home today just doing my usual Monday stuff.  Doing some chores that need to get done and just puttering around doing this and that.  Just a nice quiet joyful kind of day.
Have a great day everyone!

Remember that little cemetery I found the other day?  I friend from Walker/Tracker found a website about it and passed it on to me.  Whipp's Garden Cemetery.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Psalm 100:1-2

Psalm 100:1-2
Make a joyful noise to the Lord,
all you lands!
Serve the Lord with Gladness!
Come before His presence with singing!
When your heart is filled with joy God rejoices. 
Make Him smile today.  Be happy and enjoy your day.

A blessed Sunday to you.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Whipps Garden Cemetery

This morning I walked over to the little cemetery called Whipp's Garden Cemetery.  Only one car passed me on the road that was so busy during the week which the cemetery is on. 
The cemetery was even better than I thought it would be.  It is very well maintained and many of the grave stones I saw were from the mid 1800's.  Hard to read most of them.  I loved walking around there and will walk this cemetery route many times again.  The sun wasn't quite up all the way yet and I'm thinking these pictures would have been better if the sun had been out.  I had a hard time leaving.  It was so peaceful and pleasant wandering around on the paths. 


Annie Vernay's  Grave

While walking this morning I came across a few deer and a downy woodpecker.  I only saw two other people out and they were both walking dogs.
It really was nice discovering the cemetery.  I can't believe I had never seen it before having passed that way so many times in the car.
I walked 6.2 miles.
I wasn't back from walking long and left again.  Every year my church has a huge Easter Egg Hunt for the whole area and many people come to it.  Today was the day for filling all the little plastic eggs with candy. 
People brought in food for a brunch which we ate before the filling of the eggs began.  I brought those chocolate cookies that I made yesterday.
There were lots of eggs to fill but it went amazingly fast with so many people there working.  I filled many eggs with the others at my table.  I was the counter for our table and we filled a little over 800 eggs.  The goal was to have 5000 eggs.  In 55 minutes we were done! I'll hear the final count tomorrow at church. 

So now I'm home and it is just after 12:00.  Ken should be home in a little while from the old house and we will then go out for bite to eat and do some errands.

So that's been my day so far.
Hope you are having a great Saturday.

Friday, March 16, 2012

At home in the kitchen

Not a sunny morning walk for me today.  It was damp and cloudy which made the 49 degrees seemed a bit cooler.  Still it was a great morning for walking.  I walked 6.7 miles and went over to the lake.  The sidewalk closed signs were still up but no workers there.  I decided to take the detour just because I like walking in the woods.  Here is some bamboo I came across.  The path is just off to the left.
Few people walking around the lake today, at least while I was there but now I'm seeing more fishermen.  A couple of boats were out on the lake too.
Lots of birds, geese, and ducks about seeming to enjoy the beginning of another day.
As soon as I got home I put a pot roast in the slow cooker to cook all day.  I decided not to put potatoes in with it because I've been craving mashed potatoes for a few days now so I'll make that. 

Later in the day the sun showed itself for brief periods of time but it has been mostly cloudy and not as warm as it as been so I didn't sit outside.

I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for tomorrow.  I ended up eating two of them.  I'm skipping lunch though because of it.

Now I have to clean up the kitchen.

Hope your Friday is a good one.
 Exercise, play, move.
Stretch, feel, reach, sweat.
Skip, dance, hug!
Use the body God gave you,
don't let it rot.
~ Terri Guillemets

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another sunny warm day

The other day we were driving down the road and I saw a little cemetery and thought that it would be a nice place to walk to one morning.  It is about three miles from home.  I walked out that way today and got within a block of it going on all side streets and paths to avoid traffic.  The cemetery is on a pretty busy road right on a curve and there are no sidewalks.  With work traffic zooming past I decided it wasn't a good road to be walking on.  At least not on a work day.  I will walk there on a Saturday morning when there won't be any traffic. 
So today I didn't walk on any of my mapped out routes.  It was a bit of an adventure trying to get the cemetery in a round-a-bout way.  I walked 6.7 miles.
So many daffodils in so many yards and they all looked so pretty.  One of the neighborhoods I walked in had a lot of Magnolia trees and they were all in bloom.
Yesterday morning I didn't see any forsythia blooming but this morning it seemed it was every where I looked.  It is so pretty and every year I wish it bloomed longer than it does.
The weather was just perfect for walking this morning and it was great being outside and watching another new day came to life. 
After supper last night we went to the library and I got three books and put two more on hold.  I haven't gone to the library for a while and it was so good to get back there. 

Such a pretty sunny day out and I went out and did a few errands.  One stop I made was at Ross.  I looked for jeans, tops and dresses and didn't find anything.  I usually have great luck there but today the store looked picked over and there wasn't anything even worth trying on.  That store is like that though, you never know.  No luck today but next time I'll probably find lots of stuff.  There was nothing I NEEDED so I wasn't bothered in the least.

 Another nice day for being out on the deck.  I had lunch out there and plan on going back out in just a bit.

Hope you are having a nice sunny day too.
The swing on your porch 
is a better liver of life
than the chair 
in front of your desk.
~ Terri Guillemetes

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Inside and outside

Nice morning for walking and I walked 6.6 miles around the lake.  I left a little early so it was really dark but the sun eventually came out and it was a beautiful sunny morning.  Lots of bunny rabbits out there by the lake.  It's been a long time since I've seen any there but today I counted five of them!  Spotted a couple of deer too, and the beaver swimming in the water.  The heron was down by the water and it was fun to watch the geese upside down getting things to eat in the water.
Very few people there but did stop to talk to a fellow walker and walked a little way with another walker friend Jeannie.
I came to the closed sidewalk sign but walked right past it because no workers were around.
 All work looks finished and new pavement on the path is now completed.  I don't know why the closed sign is still there.  Maybe they will be taking it down later today.
Got my clothes hung out on the line first thing this morning, did a body electric workout and then had breakfast.
Did the usual chores around the house and then sewed the rest of the weave-it baby blanket together while I watched a couple shows on HGTV.  There are 120 4inch weave-it squares in it.  The blanket is made with Caron Simply Soft yarn.
Sewing done and then it was time for lunch.

We are thinking about taking some of our stuff that we want to get rid of and bringing it all to an auction.  Yard sales don't seem to work for us so we thought we would try an auction.  We have some big items - table and chairs, an oak hoosier, a couple of oak dressers, and a big cabinet.  We also have some milk cans and other collectible and antique items.  Lots of small items too - old kitchen utensils, planters, extra pieces of fiestaware that I have duplicates of, other dishes, a collection of blue wedgewood and some other things too.  This afternoon I started upstairs in the closet and got some things sorted out and packed up and ready to go. We still have stuff at the old house in the garage that we have to go through too.  I figure all the stuff there I haven't missed so I don't need any of it.  Ken is going to go through that stuff.  We will bring the stuff to an auction in Pennsylvania that we go to and have for years.  This time we will be selling and NOT buying!

I've done enough stuff around the house now so I won't feel guilty if I go outside on the deck now and read for a while on this beautiful sunny day.

Hope all is well in your part of the world.
A smile from me to you.
Pray on the shadowy hillside of hardship
and on the sunny hillside of happiness.
~ Terri Guillemets

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

One fine day

It was 57 degrees this morning, but it was damp and cloudy and didn't seem that warm.  Still it was good for walking. I walked my connect the path route.

I saw quite a few robins, cardinals and counted 15 deer scattered along the route.

Only a few people out.  Stopped for a chat with Petey and John.  They both went to the doctor yesterday for checkups and both got a clean bill of health.  Doctor told them both to keep up the walking!! It's keeping them healthy!! : )

I found a few coins this morning - a penny, a nickel, and a dime.
Walked 6.4 miles.
Sunrise 7:21
Sunset 7:13
Tuesday has rolled around again which is knitting day.  I'm working on sewing the weave-it square baby blanket together so packed that and the rest of the squares in my knitting bag and left for the mill.  By that time the sun had broken through the clouds and it was a nice warm sunny day.  I drove the truck again this week. 
Lots of people showed up for knitting, but I never did get around to counting how many.  I almost got the whole baby blanket sewed up.  It is just in three pieces now that have to be sewn.  I was going to wait and finish it next week at knitting, but I'm sure I'll finish it at home before then.

After knitting I went to pick up my friend Mary Jo and we went to Nordstom's and had lunch there in the cafe.  It was her first time there and we both had delicious food and a good time talking.  She had to be back home at 2:00 so I dropped her off and then came home.

It is warm enough to sit outside on the deck and that is just what I'm going to do.  Sit out on the deck and read.

Hope your enjoying your day.
 Love is when you can be your true self with someone,
and you only want to be your true self because of them.
~ Terri Guillemets

Monday, March 12, 2012


 Sunrise 7:23
It was 32 degrees this morning when I started my walk and because of the time change it was dark.  I complained of the darkness to Ken but then I walked out the door and the darkness didn't seem to matter so much anymore.  I first got to see the moon shining through the trees
 and not much later when I was over by the lake I got to see the sunrise.
The birds chirping away made me smile again and I saw a few deer, and the heron fly by me twice.  One time flying right under the red footbridge as I walked over it.
I walked around the lake until I got to the detour sign
and walked up through the woods on the path.  Here's just another picture along the detour.  I looked at my pedometer this time and it is .8 of a mile.  Just a tad longer than I guessed.
 Once I got back to the main path I walked around the barrier and went down the path a little way just to see how much is finished.  This part is finished now and has the new pavement put down.  I guess they are still doing stuff up at the other end.  I took the picture, 
then turned around and went back the way I had come, then walked the rest of the way around the lake and home.
I talked to a few people and we all like the detour path and will be using that at times even when we will be allowed to stay on the main path. 
It was a calm morning and nice and warm once the sun was out and shining.  I guess it really doesn't matter if it is dark when I start out.  Besides it won't be long before once again it will be light in the morning.
I walked 7 miles.
Ken didn't have any luck selling the truck on Saturday but he did get a few bites and a couple people took his name and number.  So who knows.

It is a spring like day outside, sunny and in the low 70's.  I went out on the deck and got the chairs and small table set up for sitting outside. 

Inside I took the white bedspread I had made off the bed and put this spring looking quilt on it. 
I'm off to sew some weave-it squares together.
Hope your day is filled with sunshine.
A smile from me to you.
 Hate cages all the good things about you.
~ Terri Guillemets
 Sunset 7:12