Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 19, 2012

Down the stairs

I am thankful that I have always drank my milk and that I have strong bones!  And that I was able to walk today.  Yesterday as I started down the stairs from the kitchen to the lower level and garage I lost my footing and fell down the flight of stairs.  I was on my way to church and had my purse in one hand and my Bible in the other.  When I landed at the bottom I was still holding both things.  I stood up, felt fine and walked to church!  : )  I smile and think God was watching over me because I was on my way to church and He didn't want me to miss going.

Saturday we did meet our goal of filling 5,000 plastic eggs with candy for the egg hunt.  We call the egg filling day, Chicken Coop Fellowship and some one baked this cake which was one of the goodies we got to eat before work began.
I walked over to the lake this morning.  The work is done, the barriers are gone, and our path is once again open all the way around the lake.  They did a great job and now there are no more wet spots to walk through.  I almost wish that is would get cold and icy so we can see if the paths stay clear!
Here is a picture of one of the picnic pavilions at the lake that you can rent for the day.  They are getting renovated and this is one of three that are finished.  Not sure if ALL of the pavilions will be getting done.
I saw a few red winged black birds again and many robins.  I thought I smelled deer, and sure enough I looked off the path into the woods and there they were.  Two of them just looking at me.

The morning started off a bit hazy and damp but by the time I was near home again the sun was shining in a blue sky.
The cherry trees by the lake are starting to bloom.  
Instead of walking the path behind the church on the way home I walked down the street and took this picture of this beautiful old Magnolia tree. 
Once again it was great to be out there in the early morning walking and seeing the start of another day.
I found a lucky penny and walked 6.4 miles.
The weekend seemed to go by much too fast and here it is Monday already.
I'm home today just doing my usual Monday stuff.  Doing some chores that need to get done and just puttering around doing this and that.  Just a nice quiet joyful kind of day.
Have a great day everyone!

Remember that little cemetery I found the other day?  I friend from Walker/Tracker found a website about it and passed it on to me.  Whipp's Garden Cemetery.


Anonymous said...

Oh, so glad you were not hurt - it is so rewarding to have faith. What a beautiful cake, there are some very talented people about. Before I read your blog I looked at the photo of the picnic pavilion and thought it was a church - what an impressive structure. What a joy it is to see all these beautiful flowering trees and shrubs.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Karen, Hope you aren't sore today from your Fall. That was scary... You are blessed with good bones for sure.. Getting all of that exercise daily is the main thing which helps I'm sure.

Glad you can walk around the lake now... This is a pretty time of year to be out there walking. The picnic pavilions at the lake are GREAT... And I love your big Magnolia tree.

Have another great day..

Vee said...

First of all, let me just say that I am so happy you are intact after a fall down a flight of stairs! Phew. Were you running down the stairs? Just wondering.

How interesting about the cemetery. Now I can imagine you cleaning up a corner. =D

Happy@Home said...

I'm so glad that you weren't hurt in your fall. I think you are right about God watching out for you.
The cake is so cute and nice of somebody to bake it for all of the workers.
At first glance I thought the pavilion was a church too. It looks like a nice place for a picnic.
Enjoy the rest of your day.

Anita said...

I'm very glad for you that you weren't hurt. Did it feel like slow motion? I fell down three steps once, and it actually did feel like it took a long time. (I landed on one knee and took the next day off from work.)
Also, glad to see that you read a Miss Read book; she's been a favorite of mine for years. I had quite a collection of her books. Tales...School was an audio book from the local library here; I never saw it in print.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know you were able to do your walk today! The Whipps Gardent Cemetery write-up was very informative. I will have to check that place out one of these days!
Mary Jo

Jeanne said...

Oh my goodness - what a close call! Glad you were not hurt!
Looks like spring is definitely there already! Beautiful blossoms!

Ruta M. said...

I'm so glad you weren't hurt in your fall.I'm sure keeping fit had a great deal to do with it. That picnic pavillion is amazing. Here in the UK you are lucky if you find a bench to sit on and a bench with a table is a rarity. (Maybe because of our awful weather.) I love the magnolia tree, I have been watching 4 magnolia trees on my way home but they have only just started flowering.