There are four entrances to the park that you can drive to and park. Today I walked to each one and took a picture of the entrances.
This is the main entrance and is in the south area.
This one is the west entrance.
The north entrance.
The east entrance and the one I use.
There are two other entrances that are just paths and have no place for cars to park.
They make it easy for people who live close by to walk there.
Here are those two entrances.
There are three other paths that I know of where people have made on their own to get to the lake. One leads to a road and the other two lead to peoples back yards, but I didn't take any pictures of them. Oh how nice it must be to have this park and lake right in your back yard. :-)
Today I walked 6.6 miles.
I also found a dime.
Sunrise 7:15
Sunset 7:17
Sunset 7:17
Though it's been a warm day with temperatures in the 70's as promised, I thought there would be more sunshine. It's been a cloudy day, but hey you can't complain with those warm temps.
I've kept busy today.
- I've got two loads of laundry hanging out to dry.
- Finished up the Friday housework.
- Did Body Electric (exercise).
- Watered my few houseplants - poor things were really thirsty. I am so bad about watering them.
- Washed my car - the water was black when I got finished.
- While the garage was empty I thought it a good time to sweep it out.
While I was doing all that I forgot to eat lunch so didn't eat until after 2:00. I've read blogs and now I have to go and take in the clothes. Then I'd like to knit some on that scarf of mine.
We have a gift card and so tonight we are going to eat supper out at Red Lobster. Lucky us. :-)
Hope your Friday is nice and warm.
A smile from me to you.
Happyone :-)
This quote today is a bit harsh don't you think? It did not surprise me that it is from an anonymous writer.
People have often described me as a blogger. I generally shy away from the term because, to me, bloggers are boring, self obsessed narcissists who use their website mainly as a means to discuss the inconsequential minutiae of their day to day lives.
~Anonymous writer
~Anonymous writer
Yes, harsh, but exactly what I used to think. That's not my quote is it? Ha!
Have fun at The Red Lobster. I expect all the details and if you could just take a pic of your plate. ☺
I don't know much about beavers. But it's nice to hear both sides of their story, as it were. Like most everything, it/they can be *so called good* and *so called bad.* :-)
The ice, where I exit the house, is melted!! Whoo hoooo! I need to get over this [yes another!] cold, and get out for a walk soon. :-)))))
Go to the defense of the underdog, yay for the beaver. In the right environment (like yours), they serve their purpose well. They can be destructive in the wrong environment. You certainly had a busy and productive day. I can't believe with the walking you do each morning, you exercise (Body Electric) too, you must drop into bed each night. The quote is harsh, I disagree of the description of a blogger, I'm just sayin.
Did I ever mention that we lived here before they 'constructed' the lake??? What a marvelous transformation that was ! And the beavers are wonderful creatures!!!
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