Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, December 31, 2010

A new jacket

Another cold morning for walking with a temperature of 25 degrees but no wind again so another pleasant walk.  I walked one of my connect the path routes around the neighborhoods.  It was dark at first and when I saw the first three deer it was just the whites of their tails that I saw run across the path in front of me.  I didn't see anyone at first but when I was on the last path heading home, I saw lots of people.  I was stopped talking to Petey and John (the 89 year olds! ) when a man stopped to chat who was walking his yellow lab.  His dog was deaf and the man talked to him in sign language!!  The mans wife was deaf which is why he knows sign language.  I thought a dog that knows sign language was pretty cool!!  I meet such interesting people out walking!  While we were all talking we saw five deer meander across the field we were standing by.  I also saw a couple of cardinals and those buzzards flying around again.
The picture is just one of the paths I walked down.
I walked 6.3 miles.
Sunrise 7:27
Sunset 4:54
A new REI (sports equipment and clothes) store opened up around here a little while ago and last night we stopped in after supper to have a look around.  There was the nicest, softest black jacket hanging there on the closeout rack that I just happened to try on.  When I tried it on, I didn't want to take it off so Ken bought it for me. :-)  I just love it.  It feels so soft.  It also has a hood and it is ever so warm and cozy.
No work for Ken today so this morning we were out and about doing some errands.  We stopped at the library and got a couple of movies and I got a book.  I have to start on that 75 list of books as soon as possible for 2011!

The temperature has gone up to 54 degrees and Ken is out washing the FJ.  I was going to wash my car too, but just don't feel like it.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be just as warm so maybe I'll do mine then.  It is hard to believe that it is just about 30 degrees warmer now than this morning.

We have no special plans for tonight for New Year's Eve.  Just a nice quiet evening at home, though we will probably go out to eat somewhere.  

A Happy New Year to you.
Happyone :-)
Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.
~ Oprah Winfrey


KathyA said...

I'm really glad Ken decided to buy that jacket especially since you didn't want to take it off -- REI is a great store, but I think they might have had a problem with that!

We're heading downtown for an early dinner -- and will be back early. We love those quiet New Years Eves. Happy New Year to you and Ken.

Barb said...

Came by to wish you a Happy new Year. Now I see you have a new REI, so I'm afraid there might be shopping trouble in 2011! That's one of my favorite stores. Have a nice evening - we're staying home, too.

Vee said...

Ohhh that jacket does look warm and cozy comfortable. Glad that you found it. Have a nice quiet evening! (Would you believe that John ditched me for another woman? True. My mother and he are going to the New Year's Eve supper at church. :D )

Linda said...

Lucky you to find such a nice jacket. It looks like it is soft and cozy. Have a great New Year!!!

Kerri Farley said...

I've never been to a REI but the jacket looks Awesome! Happy New Year my friend!!