Sunrise 6:39
Sunset 6:01
After breakfast and doing a few things around the house, I gathered up my knitting and headed out to Borders for the morning knitting group. Last week while talking to Bonnie I discovered that she had a wet saw and she was kind enough to offer to lend it to me so today I came home with the saw. Now we will be able to make a start on putting the slate up on the fire place walls.Sunset 6:01
Next week the knitting group will be meeting in Savage Mill. Borders told us the group was getting too big to meet there and told us today was our last day.
Didn't do a lot at home once I got back. Just puttering around a bit and then read.
Some of you know that my daughter and 2 grandkids were moving to Denver. They left Sunday in two cars, my daughter driving one and newly licensed grandson driving the other. With a dog, a cat, and a few hermit crabs they have made it safely to Denver. They are staying with friends and will move into their new home on Thursday. :-)
We are having a mix of rain and snow now and through the night. No accumulation is expected. A nice night to be inside where it's dry and warm.
Hope you found a reason to smile today.
Happyone :-)
Advice is what we ask for
when we already know the answer
but wish we didn't.
when we already know the answer
but wish we didn't.
~Erica Jong
is your photo at the beginning of this post
the same place as on your header's photo?
if so, that's pretty cool.
i can't believe how far you walk!!!
HI Dear Karen,
It is great to hear all these things from you.. and i am glad that your daughter and grand children made it safely to Denver...
Myletters - No, not the same place. Header picture is one of the many paths I walk through the neighborhoods where I live.
Glad your family arrived safely. I can't seem to stand the cold this year so my walking has dropped way back. I'm not as tough as you!
Oh I'm glad to hear that the travelers arrived safely. How you're going to miss them, but I can imagine that you'll be making the journey west yourself from time to time.
I'm happy to hear that your family made it safely to Denver. I imagine that it won't be too long before you are scouting walking paths out there.
So nice to know that your daughter and her family made it safely. I look forward to seeing what you do to your fireplace.
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