which made it a perfect morning for walking. Yesterday I saw Tommy Turtle (a box turtle) and this morning I saw Timmy Turtle, a snapping turtle along the path.

He was happy to stand still here in the clover to get his picture taken. We had more thunder storms roll through early yesterday evening. The paths had a bit of tree litter from the high winds. Here a small tree has fallen across the path.

Got a few things done around the house this morning and then at 12:00 I left to meet my friend Mea for lunch. We went to Bertucci's and were both going to get Ceasar salads but for some reason a nice big garden salad was free today as well as the usual bread so we had that and ordered soup to go with it. We had a nice time catching up and could have talked all afternoon but Mea was on her lunch hour and had to get back to work. We plan on doing this again soon.
Some of you may remember me mentioning Mea and Kim who I met along the path by the river where I walked before I moved. We used to walk together for a while if I happened to meet them along the way and we became friends. I hadn't seen her for quite a while and happened to see her out mowing the lawn a couple of weeks ago. Stopped to talk and we made plans to go out for lunch. We asked Kim too, but unfortunately she couldn't make it. Maybe next time.
Making friends during walking usually takes a bit of time. You start out just saying Good Morning or Hello as you pass by each other. That goes on for a while and then you say a sentence or two passing by. Then you can't finish what you want to say by the time you pass by each other and that is when you stop for a chat. Sometimes you walk along together for a while if you happen to be going the same way. And then before you know it you have another friend. :-)
I did a few errands while I was out and then stopped by the old house. Had to put out the trash for tomorrow and while I was there picked up a bunch of tree branches that came down from yesterdays storms. Some more may be coming through this evening again.
I took a few pictures of the flowers in my old garden while I was there. Things are a bit over grown now that I'm not there every day to keep things in check. Not being there I realize how much time I spent out in the yard.
These are some of my favorites.

I noticed a few ants walking around on this one.
Tiger Lilies

Day Lilies
Well now it's that time of the afternoon where I like to sit for a bit and read or knit. I'd better read because the book I'm reading is due at the library Saturday.
Here it is Wednesday and the middle of the week already.
Hope all is well in your part of the world.
Enjoy the little things in your life today because somehow they end up being the big things.
Happyone :-)
Your words are so smart: I try to remember to enjoy the little things in life too.
I love to see that turtle, I find them so cool, we don`t have turtles in Norway (just in the zoo), I wish I could meet turtles on my walks too.
How great that you get new friends (not just turtlefriends) on your walks. I sometimes meet people that wants to talk to my dogs. That`s nice.
When I saw the photos of the garden of your old house I thought it may be a bit sad for you, but I hope you love your new home a lot.
This must be the year of the turtle! Some years go by and I don't see any -- and now we're up to our schnutzes in them!
Isn't Bertucci's food good?! That's who makes my favorite pizza -- it's never greasy and the sauce is so good!
Your Asiatic and day lilies look so healthy! You're welcome to come over and see mine whenever you like.
You certainly meet a good number of turtles on your walks. I like your description of how people you meet walking become friends. Your descripition rings so true. It was nice that you got those free salads. The garden at the old house still looks pretty good.
More turtles, amazing. Your old garden is looking good considering you are not there any more.
It sounds like you had a good balance to your day. A little time for walking, friendship, work and reading sounds perfect to me.
I think the turtles are enjoying the wet weather.
I LOVE the flower shots!!
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