around the lake this morning in the mist. As I walked in the wooded areas I could hear the water dripping off the trees and I felt like I was in a rain forest. It was a great walking morning.

I saw this squirrel sitting on the fence and I thought he was going to pose there for a picture but he took off. I still managed to get this picture of him running down the fence.

I saw a dead deer along the path. It must have gotten hit by a car and got back to the lake before it died. Always sad when that happens.
I downloaded my second audio book All Creatures Great and Small today and started listening to it. Thanks again Debbi for a perfect gift! :-)
I love that James from the TV show is the reader. I know all these characters so well and feel like they are my friends.
When we were on our walking vacation a few years ago on the coast to coast walk with the Wayfarers we walked right through the village where part of the show was filmed.
I've finished reading another great book by Marci
Willett, The
Childrens' Hour.

It centers around an old family house where two sisters are living who are now old. The story goes from the present to the past and back to the present again. It tells of the family who lived there. Lots of secrets unfold. I though it was an excellent book.
Ken gave me this little rose bush plant and I planted it in this pot and put it out on the deck.

I hope it does well here. It's such a cute little thing.
Haven't done anything around the house yet today because I wanted to finish reading my book, so now I'm off to get some work done.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Happyone :-)
Those little squirrels are not so easy to capture, as I have tried around here and they just seem to scoot away ever so quickly unless I get them something to eat, then they stay put for a second or two...
I hope your little rose plant grows big with lots of pretty little roses!
Rainforest is right! It still feels that way.
I wonder if anyone told the park rangers about the dead deer?
I hope your rose does welll for you. I'll look forward to progress reports!
I'm so glad you are enjoying your audiobooks Mom. Love you!
You sure do see an interesting variety of wildlife on your walks. Sad to hear about the deer.
I love those little rose bushes and I hope yours does well on the deck.
I recently read that book and enjoyed it too.
It sounds like your daughter did pick a perfect gift for you. How thoughtful.
I bet you smile while you walk. I know it makes you happy.
I probably won't' see you till after my vacation. We'll set a date to do something afterward. Stop in anytime you're near the salon to say hello.
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