Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, February 11, 2025


25 degrees and cloudy this morning when I walked.
It has been a while since I walked around the industrial park
so headed over there.
On the way stopped at the library and put a couple of DVD's down the drop.
The same two that we picked up yesterday.
One we started watching but didn't like so didn't watch it.
The other one was pretty good.
The industrial park is a mile from the pond and behind the DG Market.
Pretty nice walking around in there.

Some photos in the IP.

From there went once around the ball park loop and once around
the lower cemetery.

Very quiet around town and didn't see any people.

The chickens were all out and came running over to me.
There used to be 14 of them and counted only 9 of them today.

☁️    🙂    🐓

Ken had a doctors appointment this morning (check-up, all well) 
so left not long after breakfast for that.
It is right across the street from Walmart and picked up
a couple of things since we were right there.

Then a stop at Lowe's to pick up some cabinets for David and Liz.
That too is right near the doctor and we had the truck.

Dropped off the cabinets and then home.
It started snowing just as we were getting back to the house
and is supposed to continue all day and night.
Doesn't look too good for a morning walk but will have to wait and see.

Moved a few things around in the pantry
to organize it a bit better.
I always keep it pretty neat and tidy because there is a
window on the door and I can see right into it.

Also found some time to read, knit, and work on the puzzle a bit.
After all it is snowing.🙂🌨

Supper today was loaded baked potatoes and a salad.

That's all I have for today.
Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by,


Tom said...

...you had some mush and it disappeared! Easy come easy go. Be well.

Lowcarb team member said...

Sounds that Tuesday has been a good day for you ...

All the best Jan

Mari said...

Looks like the snow is nearly gone, but now you will get more! We have a big storm warning for tomorrow afternoon. We'll see if it comes!
Sounds like a good day for you. Hope you can walk tomorrow.

Connie said...

Sounds like you had a good Tuesday.
Hoping the weather warms up and the sun keeps shining.

Deb in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I had a loaded baked potato and salad for dinner tonight too. That is what the school provided us for dinner since it was Parent-
Teacher conference night. Sounds like you had a productive day. Glad that Ken's check-up went well. You are always rearranging your you home and I know you keep everything very neat and tidy! I hope you don't get too much snow. See you again tomorrow.

Dianna said...

The snow finally started sticking to our road around 5:00 this evening. Up until then it was just sticking to the trees and grass. At one point, it looked more like freezing rain. Tomorrow could be interesting. Stay safe.

Glad Ken had a good doctor visit, and it sounds as if you got several things accomplished while you were out.''

Your supper sounds wonderful! It's been quite a while since we had loaded baked potatoes. Thanks for the inspiration.

Dianna said...

P.S. Sorry that I forgot to include this in my first comment. What program do you use to make your collages?

Ann said...

Nice that everywhere you needed to go was all close together. That makes it convenient.
We're supposed to get more snow here too.

jack69 said...

I did smile when I read: Very quiet around town and didn't see any people. For us folks down here the 25 degrees would keep us in. Now More snow. Glad the old retiree had a good report. That is always great news. Enjoyed the walk, pictures are good....
From Florida we are just getting in from 2,000 to 2800 steps, hoping to increase it.

Nellie said...

Oh, we do love loaded baked potatoes! I need to add that to our upcoming menus soon! We’re having a lot of rain here; not expected to stop until possibly Thursday morning. Flooding is a possibility in some areas.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Nope I wouldn’t be out walking in that cold. I don’t have warm enough clothes. We’re supposed to get down to 29 degrees. That’s unheard of. Plus add in rain and I guess it’s going to be a very cold day tomorrow. That’s okay - it shouldn’t last. Just long enough to freeze my almond blossoms!

diane in northern wis said...

Your supper sounds good, and I love the pictures of where you walk! Thanks so much!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonder what happened to the other chickens? Gosh, I hope they don't have that bird flu! We are in the middle of an ice and snow blizzard and they say there will be mass power outages.

Granny Marigold said...

It must have been a pleasant winter day . I wonder if you'll find out what happened to the missing chickens!

eileeninmd said...

Sounds like you had a nice day!
We woke this morning with about 2 inches of snow.
The loaded baked potatoes sound yummy.
Take care, have a wonderful day!

ellen b. said...

It's always good to get a good report from those check-ups. You had a productive day not having to go out of the way of the doctor's office. Happy Wednesday.

Michelle said...

Loaded potatoes sounds like a great idea for supper tonight at my house!

Happy@Home said...

I'm now wondering whether you got more snow. It was looking pretty clear in your walk photos here.
Glad to hear that Ken had a good Dr. visit and I'm sure that David and Liz appreciated the cupboard drop off.
Dinner sounds yummy!

Bill said...

A loaded potato sounds delicious.