Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, February 10, 2025

Milk Bottle Monday

  Wore my regular walking shoes this morning but took along 
my other pair with the grippers on.
Glad I had the gripper pair because it was pretty icy in places and with 
the dusting of snow we got it was hard to tell where the ice was.

20 degrees this morning and cloudy, but no wind.
Sun came out after I got home.

Walked around both of the cemeteries a few times and the ball park too.

Stayed off the main road and just walked the left side of town.

Didn't see anyone else out but someone was out before me because
I saw these tracks.
Pretty sure they are from John and his dog Prim.

Also saw deer, rabbit, bird, and squirrel tracks.

☁️    🙂 

Started on this weeks house work and did a load of laundry.

Had some bananas getting pretty ripe so baked a batch of 
I like making the muffins instead of a banana loaf because when I 
make a loaf the middle is a big soggy.

We went to the library and picked out a few DVD's to watch
and I got a couple books.

Heard from the Dr and he made a change in my medication.
Hopefully that's all it will take.
Thank you for your prayers.

Another half pint milk bottle for this Monday. (18)
Putting milk in the bottle doesn't make it any easier to see what it says
because the letters aren't colored.
One side says 
MASS 0 SEAL in the circle
Then STORE 5 cents. 
It has the cent symbol but don't have it on my keyboard!!

Other side says
5 Cents


That's been my day
and hope your Monday was a good one.
Thanks for stopping by.

For grace is given not because we have done good works, 
but in order that we may be able to do them.
Saint Augustine Of Hippo


Deb in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I like today's milk bottles. Those look like really old ones! I hope your new medication helps you feel better and does what it is supposed to do. Have a great week.

Tom said...

...these bottles look like old timers! Banana nut muffins sound great!

Lowcarb team member said...

I do hope the change in your medication helps you feel better.
I like the milk bottles.
Stay warm and always take care on your walks.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

I'm glad you took your gripper shoes. The ice can be so hard to walk on.
I really like this bottle. Just think - only 5 cents!
I should share my milke bottles on my blog sometime.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Sometimes, all it takes is a slight adjustment. It’s great that you listen to your body! My husband is on high blood pressure medication, which he will need to take for life, along with heart medication due to a defect in one of the chambers of his heart. Someday, I expect he will need a pacemaker, just like his dad had. That kept his dad alive until he was 94!

I also have issues with banana bread—this never used to happen. I think it might be my pan. I prefer to make loaves since I tend to get messy when pouring batter into muffin tins. No matter how hard I try, it just seems to happen!

Oh, how I wish we had milk delivered in bottles like in the old days. There’s a dairy on the coast that sells milk in glass bottles, but they charge triple the amount. I bet the milk is delicious though—there's something special about cold milk in a glass bottle!

Nellie said...

I have a friend who had a milk bottle collection for several years. Wonder what it is with banana bread! I sometimes have the same issues with pumpkin bread or cranberry bread! It still looks a bit risky for walking. We have a flood advisory as we’re to have heavy rainfall the next two days. May be ice in some places. Take care! Hope you feel better with the medication change.

Dianna said...

First of all, I am glad that you heard from the doctor and that he changed your medicine. I will be praying that that is all it takes.

The milk bottle is so unique! I love it! You have some really unique milk bottles. Seeing the cent symbol reminded me that I just saw in the news today where the President has ordered the US Treasury to no longer make pennies. :( Kind of sad.

And AMEN! to the quote at the end! xx

Prims By The Water said...

Banana Nut Muffins sound yummy. I do like that 5 cent bottle. Janice

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, this is the prettiest, most fancy bottle yet! So is this blood pressure medicine? I'm thinking not, as all your walking should result in low blood pressure.

eileeninmd said...

It is good you had those grippers on your shoes.
The muffins sounds yummy. I hope the change in your meds help you to feel better. Take care, have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You still have a lot of snow.

God bless.

Ann said...

Banana nut muffins sound good. Hope the new medication helps. I like the milk bottle

Jeanette said...

That banana nut muffin recipe sounds good!

R's Rue said...

I’m about to make banana nut muffins. Thank you.

ellen b. said...

Smart to take your grippers! That's history for you, a 5 cent bottle of milk! Good idea to make muffins instead of a loaf. Happy Tuesday!

Visits With Mary said...

Oh my, you are so brave to walk in 20* weather! brrrr Good for you!!!

Bill said...

Banana nut muffins sound great.