More cold weather and snow - walking inside.
Our morning didn't go as planned.
The plan was to start installing the wood floor in David and Liz's cabin.
It was snowing like crazy but thought we'd be able to get up
the lane and their driveway in the truck.
Well, we thought wrong.
Went sliding down our driveway but made it safely to the road.
Made a right turn onto the lane in the above picture.
Going up the lane to their driveway here.
Made it to the driveway but couldn't get up the steep part.
The truck just couldn't make it because there was ice under the snow.
The truck stopped and we started sliding down the hill backward.
Scary feeling but Ken steered as best he could and with God's help
made it without crashing into any trees.
Continued backing down the lane to the road.
Then had a problem getting back up our driveway and got stuck half way up.
Ken got the tractor going and with me steering the truck towed it
back up the driveway.
We should have quit then but we loaded a few of the boxes of
flooring in the ATV and made another go going up in that.
A bit hairy but we managed to get to the cabin.
Started on the flooring but just couldn't seem to get the pieces
to snap into place like they were supposed too.
By this time we are getting frustrated and decided to not do this
today and try again on another day.
By the time we got home it was lunch time and hadn't gotten a thing done.
We are thankful that us and the truck are unhurt and we
have a nice warm house!
I finished up my house work and
we worked on the puzzle some this afternoon.
Happy to have had pizza to look forward for supper.
Thanks for stopping by and hope your day was a good one.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Melody Beattie
Sounds as if you and Ken had a harrowing experience today. Glad that you both are safe...and warm!
I appreciated the quote at the end of your post today. xx
...this is a winter to remember, cold, snowy and icy.
So sorry that things weren’t going right for you today! Snow and ice have a way of messing up the best plans!
Your weather is not good!!!
The experience you and Ken had was certainly not good.
Thankful that you were able to get home safe, and are now warm.
Take care over the weekend.
All the best Jan
An experience to remember. Glad everything turned out ok and you both made it back safely and without any damage to the truck.
That would be scary indeed. I almost hit some shrubs this week driving into the parking lot of my work. They had not salted and I hit a patch of ice. No fun since it was still dark out. I managed to miss the shrubs by inches. God was with me. Pizza does sound good. Hopefully another day will be better for you. It is suppose to warm up here, so maybe in your area it will do the same. Janice
Wow, Karen! That was quite an adventure trying to get the floor tiles up to the cabin. I am so glad that you and Ken were safe, and yes, like you, I believe that God was protecting you. See you again tomorrow.
Oh, you and Ken do have some adventures, just happy there were no accidents involved :)
Oh wow! You had quite the morning! Glad you are ok and I hope tomorrow is better!
I can sure see why it was a scary also a frustrating morning. Thankfully both of you are okay! Your driveway must be so icy.
Oh my gosh! You are both determined when you need to do something. It must have been so scary! I'm so glad that you were not hurt and it ended well.
I am glad you, ken and your vehicles were safe in the snow and ice. It is a scary feeling sliding around on the ice. Take care, have a great weekend.
Wow, what a morning you had. I'm glad you were able to get the truck back home without any accidents.
Good plan to step away from the project for the day. It never seems to go well when things get frustrating.
Something like that happened to us years ago when we could not get our car up a hill when we were going to cut down a Christmas tree with our kids! Our car kept sliding down the hill. Very scary feeling but Rich managed to get us to the top eventually!
WOW! proud of you guys for making so much headway on the roads and not ending up against a tree or in a BIG ditch. AND yep. at times that new flooring can be a pain until you hit your stride. Cold also hampers the vinyl from a good SNAP.
I smile at your normal 'walk', I am barely getting a mile in and in temps above 60! LOL Take care and stay warm.
Love fromFlorida...
I've driven in the ice and snow before and it's no fun! You've sure had a cold winter. But you always make the best of each day and I love that about you! Hugs!
Debe ser muy dificÃl ir conduciendo por la carretera, con esa gran capa de nieve .
Ice is so difficult. Glad to read there was no damage on the truck and that you made it back home safely. Yikes!
You and Ken sure are good partners - working together. It’s good Ken knows what he was doing, maneuvering the best he could. Sometimes you just have to hang it up, for a day. Hopefully the snow will start to melt and make it easier.
You have definitely had a memorable winter! You deserve some spring! 🌺
Glad you made it through all of that safely.
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