Many thanks for all who prayed for me and wished me well.
It is very much appreciated, more than you know.
Happy to say all went well.
It was mainly a followup from my hospital stay.
Heart is looking good and I'm to just keep up with the medicine.
They want me to do a stress test.
The doctor smiled and said I give myself a stress test every day
when I walk around town!🙂🚶♀️❤️
I will be notified to set up an appointment for the stress test.
My appointment was for 8:30 but we left early because of the weather.
Still snowing around here and the roads are still snowy even though
the plows are constantly plowing.
Walmart is right across the street from the doctors office so
thought we might as well stop in there while we were so close.
Had the whole place pretty much to ourselves which was really nice.
I snapped this picture of Ken as we walked back to the Jeep.
The Jeep is ALL WHEEL drive and is great on snow!!!
So nice to get back home after a morning out in the snow to a nice
warm cozy house.
Not much got done with afternoon as far as house work.
I read, worked on the current puzzle, and knitted.
I also did my walking today down in the basement and around the house.
Not sure if I showed you the pink baby blanket I'm knitting.
I love this pattern - Mikie who gave me the pattern said it looks like legos.
When it is finished I'll post it on my other blog with the
pattern directions.
So that's it for today.
Many thanks again for the prayers!!!!
Hope your Tuesday was a good one.
Comment Replies:
Mari and Janice - We lived in Scotland for 4 years and I picked up yesterdays milk bottle there.
Ruta - I have that doctors syndrome too!! I've been taking my BP daily at home so when it was high at the office today they didn't worry about it.
...Karen, that fabulous news. Stay warm and well.
It does look like Legos!
Why did you live in Scotland? Do you miss it?
That is good news :)
I like the look of the blanket and a pretty colour too.
All the best Jan
Great news!! And I think the doctor is right, you do a stress test every day. The blanket is so pretty, and I love this pattern. I have not seen this pattern before.
Hi Karen. So glad your trip to the doctor went well. Your daily walking keeps you in pretty good shape, I'm sure. It's always good to do what we need to do to take care of ourselves! That pink blanket is lovely! That will be one lucky baby that gets to be wrapped up in it. See you again tomorrow!
Praise the Lord for answered prayer with your doctor appointment today. So happy that everything went well for you.
Thanks for posting the picture of the parking lot at Walmart. We've been wondering how things look in that area.
The pink baby blanket is absolutely beautiful, Karen. Your knitting is so lovely.
So thankful for the good report from the Dr.
You sure have been hit with the snow lately.
I really like that blanket too.
You lived in Scotland? That's so interesting. I think you need to do a blog post about that sometime.
WOW that is a big blanket, and beautiful. Glad you are weller and walking inside. I can imagine the cold there for LONG walks like you do. I though about you today when we did not walk because it was too cold at 46. Funny I used to laugh at that, but now it feels REALLY cold. But here the humidity makes it worse.
Love and sorry to have been missing lately...
Good news that your appointment went well. You sure are having quite a dose of winter weather.
So glad all went well at the doctors. That baby blanket is pretty, I like that pattern. Walmart parking lot does look pretty empty. It's nice to shop when there's hardly anyone else in the store.
So glad you had a good follow up with the doctor.
It looks hard pushing the shopping cart through the snow.
Take care, have a wonderful day!
Praying for your good health and for your family.
God bless always.
Glad to read that all went well with your appointment yesterday. It sure is tough pushing a shopping cart through the snow. :) Nice to get home to a cozy and warm home after being out in the 'conditions'. Happy Wednesday!
So glad everything went well with your doctor's appointment. Love my AWD Equinox. They are so great in the snow!
So Thankful that the appointment went well!! That baby blanket is going to be lovely!! (already is)
So happy to hear that your doctor's appointment went well. I can relate to the white coat syndrome as I, too, have it. My dr. told me that she didn't care what it read in her office and advised that I check it regularly at home. Apparently there are a lot of us with this syndrome.
You sure are getting the wintery weather.
Love that sweet pink blanket.
Great news, Karen, what a relief. The parking lot looks treacherous out there. Stay warm!
Glad all went well...and that traveling in the snow was not a problem. Love your blanket. Such a pretty color and the pattern is a great one. Hope your parking lots and streets are a bit clearer today. Happy Wednesday!
Hello, my friend. Getting caught up, and am happy to read all went well yesterday. I have a thing about going to the doctors. I always make my appointments first thing in the morning, so I don't have to dread it all day. Stay safe, warm , and cozy~
That was so good to read about the test...I am not blogging, just trying to check and see what I am missing. We had snow come Sunday/sunday night, and then it came again today...daughter and coworkers left early to come and work from home...I was starting to get worried, and she finally made it home. Had had to sit for 30 minutes because the road was blocked with people slid off/etc. She started to come home another route and that road was blocked, too.
That baby blanket is so pretty.
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