The snow continues here so another inside walk today.
Did housework this morning.
Half bath and laundry room
Vacuum and dust
Made another couple of loaves of English Muffins.
Looking out the window watching it snow I saw this little bird
sitting out on a long dead weed eating the seeds from it.
Stayed quite a long time.
Took a picture and you might be able to see it if you
enlarge the picture.
It is right in the middle.
This is Milk Bottle Number 14.
This one is from England
It is a PINT
On the bottle near the top which you can't read it says
Bottom edge on one side it says
568 ml 15mm 3 B2
The other bottom edge
All JC
About 2 this afternoon we went outside.
Ken got our driveway passable with the tractor.
I shoveled by the garage doors and the steps and then just walked around.
Down the driveway.
Looking left at the bottom of the driveway.
Looking Right at the bottom of the driveway.
Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the cardiologist.
Asking people who pray to please say a little prayer 🙏🏻 for me
that I'm calm about the appointment (Hate going to doctors) and
all goes well.
That's all for today.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
I see the little bird!
I like the milk bottle. I wonder how it made it here from England?
It's been snowing a lot here too, but you have more. It's so cold here right now.
I really like the pictures of your drive.
I'll be praying for you tomorrow.
Praying for you tomorrow. I know appointments like this cause stress.
I like that milk bottle.
Hoping your appointment with the cardiologist goes well.
All the best Jan, you got snow. I wonder if milk from pedigree cows taste better?
Like Mari, I was wondering myself how that milk bottle made it to the US. Never seen any other than US made. Janice
Hi Karen. Wow, you got a lot of snow! Yes, I will pray for you. I don't like to go to the doctor either. I hope that all goes well and that you feel the peace of God with you as talk to the doctor. See you again tomorrow.
I spotted the little bird before reading what you tiny.
This snow is beautiful, isn't it? I enjoyed the pictures of your driveway.
I will be praying for you tomorrow morning as you go for your cardiologist appointment. May God give you peace and calm in your spirit as you go. xx
Praying right now for your anxiety about going to the cardiologist tomorrow, Karen. May God give you peace and comfort and trust in His care for you.
Dear Father, Please calm Karen’s mind and fill her with your peace at her appointment tomorrow - with safe travel to and from. In Your precious holy name we thank you for always being near to us. Amen.
I will pray about this appointment, for peace for you and that you get a good report. Looks like you live in the country, so pretty!
My but you have a lot of snow. I wonder how many seeds that little bird has to eat to get full.
We still have milk deliveries in some areas here.
God bless.
I love the view from the end of your driveway. That looks like something that should be framed on a wall.
Best of luck at your doctors appointment.
Nice snow photos! Sending prayers, I hope all goes well with your doctor appointment. Take care, have a great day!
These milk bottles are great, just like your winter landscape.
All the best wishes for your doctor's visit, may you be accompanied and find inner peace. Relax after your doctor's visit.
Praying all goes well today!!
Ask them to take your BP at the end of the appointment. You'll be less anxious and they can get a proper reading.
I'm keeping you in my prayers today. Sweet hugs, Diane
I'm just now seeing this. Since I know that you are an early bird, you have probably already seen the doctor, but I just said a prayer for you either way. I hope all was well at your appointment.
I did see the sweet little bird.
Your milk bottle today is really cool. Love the blue color and the fact that it came from England is really special.
Prayers that all goes well at your doctor appointment. Sometimes you can't help getting a little anxious, I know I do with my pulmonologist which I see later this month. I do see the little bird, isn't it something that God gives them a built-in heater for weather like your having. Hope you're enjoying a good day.☺
Praying for you.
I see the little bird. I'm praying all goes well with your appointment.
The snow looks so pretty but not so nice if you have to drive or walk through it. Hope all goes well with the doctor. It's good to get an expert opinion and you do seem to have a very healthy lifestyle. I always tell them that I have 'white coat syndrome' which is a real thing where even though I don't think I'm stressed simply being in a surgery sends my blood pressure up.
Hope all went well with the doctor and everything is fine.
Thinking of you and that cardiologist, since it was heart surgery that put me in a wheelchair.
Hoping all went well with the doctor's appointment. That snow looks like it might be with you for awhile. We have an 80 percent chance of getting a pretty hefty snowfall , maybe 8 inches and my boots are only 8 inches high.
Those are some beautiful views...I did not see this before your appt but know that it turned out ok...I am thankful for that.
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