Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, January 25, 2025


 Weather warmed up some but still not enough to melt the
snow and ice which keeps me from walking in town.
So still inside getting my steps.
The whole month of January I've only been able to walk in
town TWO times.
That is a record!!

Anyone for a game of baseball?

Needleworks morning at the library so that's where I was this morning.
6 of us there today.
I was making weave-it squares, two knitting, one embroidering, 
and two just talking.

While I was doing that Ken took the old washing machine to the dump.
We have a pass that we pay for once a year but you have to pay a $5 fee
for an appliance.

Did another load of laundry and this time used the regular rinse time.
It actually took longer at 1 hour 15 minutes.
The next load I do I'll use the auto censer and see what happens.
Other than the length of time it takes to wash a load I'm happy with it.

We took the puzzle apart and picked out the next one but haven't
started it yet.

The pizza we made and ate for supper.

That's been my Saturday.
Hope you enjoyed yours.
Thanks for stopping by.
Comment Replies:
Ginny and GrannyM - We have a hand truck so made moving the washers in and out wasn't a problem and it is really easy to hook them up.  Just put the hose down the drain and hook up the hot and cold water. :) You wouldn't believe the things that we have done! 🙂


Happy@Home said...

Good idea to wait for the icy spots to melt. Brett is currently healing from a broken rib he got after slipping on the ice in front of our house.
Glad to hear that you have gotten a new washer that you are happy with.
That pizza looks delicious.

diane in northern wis said...

That pizza looks great! Yes i'm stepping inside too these days.

Tom said...

...Karen, thanks for showing Ken's handy work.

Mari said...

It made it to 32 degrees here today. I hope next week it's nice enough for you to get out again. I do like seeing Ken's layouts though!
That is a long wash cycle. It's good you don't have lots of people to do laundry for.
The pizza looks good!

ellen b. said...

Quite the January disrupting your outdoor walking. Love the baseball layout. Nice to get rid of the old machine right away instead of making it lawn art. :) Enjoy the Saturday evening!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So THAT is how you managed the washing machines! The pizza looks so good. And once again, at first sight I thought the train setup was the real thing!

Anonymous said...

Well today we had some serious winds - it lowered the temperature by 10 degrees making it feel like it was 43. We couldn’t leave home, the wind was so bad - snapped power poles, started some small fires that were put out quick - crazy day! I absolutely hate the wind.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

⬆️. That was me. Blogger acting up again and I wasn’t able to catch it before sending it off

eileeninmd said...

January has been a cold month, I think we had only 2 days of normal temps. The rest of the month has been below normal. Great photo of Ken's train layout. Your pizza looks yummy. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

Prims By The Water said...

We dont have a dump here. Lucky you. You have to pay to remove appliances here. Am looking forward to February and possibly warmer temps...but usually February is our coldest month here, so who knows what is in store for us. Janice

Ann said...

This January has been colder and snowier than it has been in recent years. I'm ready to move into spring already.
That pizza sure does look good.

susan q said...

had to get a new washer as well. front loader died and got a new one had an outrageous price. a top loader, yikes. clothes are a tangled mess. a week of very cold weather for walking in my park, snow still on the trail.

Bill said...

January here is going to end with another storm but it's not going to be so powerful as the last one. We just got our street lights back on after 3 days but still have to boil water.