It was 38 degrees this morning and raining.
As I was driving down my driveway I heard a pop sound and
thought what was that!!
A block down the road I started losing tire pressure so turned around
and went back home.
I had a flat tire.
Weird though because it was on the side of the tire and I didn't
hit anything, just driving down the driveway!!
Anyways that stopped my drive to town so I just walked from the house
and went to town.
Walked up to both cemeteries and down again and then back home.
Street off the main road.
On my street going home.
A warm and rainy walk with patches of fog.
Didn't see anyone else out.
Sunrise 7:25 though I never saw any sun.
Morning Walk Steps 12,254
🙂 🌧 ❤️
Ken took the flat tire off the Jeep and we went to get a new tire
first thing after breakfast.
Too much damage done to the tire to repair it so we got a new one.
We had just put new tires on the Jeep in July!!
At least the flat happened when I was home!!!!
Once back at home Ken put the new tire on and I'm all set to go again.
Next job was getting the cabinet in the laundry room hung up on the wall.
Ken held it up while I screwed it to the wall.
I think I might paint the panels in the door, but not sure.
Ken says to just leave it as is.
Below the cabinet
Inside the cabinet
Baked Spaghetti Pie for supper made with left over spaghetti.
Hope you enjoyed your Friday.
Thanks for the anniversary wishes.
We didn't do anything special because every day with Ken is special.
Thanks for stopping by.
This is the last dad joke I took a picture of from the puzzle.
an alternative to painting the panels, consider contact paper, just an idea, Karen. Any warranty on your tires?
Hi Karen. I am so glad you had that flat tire in your driveway. A couple of weeks ago, our car hit a long spike on the freeway and I know it was God's grace that kept us from having a blowout on the freeway which would have been very dangerous. I like that cabinet. It really looks good and will come in handy. I wondered where you put your dryer, then remembered that you don't have one. I am so glad that everything turned out OK with the tire, even though you had to get a new one. See you again tomorrow.
...there's rarely a good time to have a flat, but luck was on your side.
At least you were near home with the flat tire ... very fortunate.
All the best Jan
PS I like the joke on the puzzle :)
As the others said, it's good the flat happened in your driveway, glad it's fixed and that you still got your walk in.
The cabinet looks really nice and will be so nice for storage.
I love what you said about every day with Ken being special.
I've enjoyed the Dad jokes and have read most of them to Bob. :)
I like the cabinet as is!
You sure don't let anything stop you! Did they find the cause of the flat? I like the cabinet, and really like the pretty little table under it!
I love all the pictures of the roads that you posted....they must remind me of somewhere we have lived in the past. I used to drive a Jeep too and loved it. Sorry about your flat...thank God you were home!
I'm glad that flat tire happened near home. Always something to be thankful for.
Glad you were at home when that tire went out. And baked spaghetti pie - that sounds yummy!!
I like the cabinet - paint it or not, it looks nice! Glad you weren’t out and about on the road. I had a flat when I hit the curb and it popped. We barely made it home. It was my mistake - I was talking and wasn’t paying attention.
Oh no on the tire. The one time I got a hole in the side of my tire they said they can't repair it when it's there and I had to buy new.
Maybe it's the crafter in me but when I look at the doors on your cabinet, I see laundry room sayings done in vinyl.
Sorry about the flat tire, it is good it happened close to home.
Love the photos and the view of the pond.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.
I love that outlook 'everyday is special with Ken'. That was a timely flat for sure. Nice addition of that cupboard for all the things. Happy 1st day of February to you!
I am one that will get a nail in my tire by just sitting at a stop light. Makes me mad. Luckily I get a warranty on the tires that will cover these mishaps but still an inconvenience.
Sorry about your flat tire! They are so frustrating!
At least you weren't driving on the road when your tire went.
Your laundry room is very neat and tidy!!
Wow....I'm glad that you were very close to the house when your tire went.
The new cabinet looks great!
Your laundry room looks so inviting. I would even do laundry in there and I hate this chore. So sorry about your flat tire, but like you said good thing it happened near home. Janice
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