Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, December 09, 2024

Milk Bottle Monday

It was a rainy walk for me this morning but I didn't mind in the least because I got to walk outside once again.🙂
It warmed up in the 40's and rained during the night so just about all of the snow is gone. 
When I walked it was 45 degrees and just a little wind.
Morning Walk Steps 11,060

Walked up and down some side streets and around ball park.
That left both of the cemeteries to walk around.

It was very quiet around town and didn't see anyone else out early this morning.

🌧    ☔️    🎄    🙂

We finished the puzzle last evening and we will leave it out on the table for a day or two before taking it apart and saving it for another time to do.
Tried to pick out a favorite pitcher but couldn't because I like all of them.

I realized I have a pitcher like the ones in the puzzle.
Ken's mom gave it to me many years ago.

I wrote out my Christmas cards this afternoon that have to be mailed.
The other ones I can hand to people and will write them out another day.
Maybe tomorrow I'll put the Christmas stuff around and get the tree up.

Milk Bottle Number 8
 Amber Blue Boy Sparkle bottles were made from 1934 - 1955
Along the bottom edge it says
On the other side it says
On the bottom of the bottle it says
Also two numbers 9 and 59

Thanks for stopping by and hope your Monday was a great one.

It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you...
yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother 
and offer him your hand.
Mother Teresa


Tom said...

...I love your pitcher and I've only seen clear glass milk bottles. I poured most of the day, my have mud season.

Michelle said...

I haven't seen a colored milk bottle before. I like the puzzle and admire your patience in doing them!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is an odd milk bottle. Wow, it was really raining when you walked! The puzzle is awesome! And I have a favorite. top row, fourth from the left. Your pitcher is amazing; I have never seen one like it!

Rose said...

I did not know milk bottles came in anything but clear! That is neat. I love your pitcher, and so would love to see the others in real life. I would even like to see your puzzle in real life. Oh, we had 50's today and a little bit of sun...but my daughter said Thursday is supposed to have highs in the low 20s.

Lowcarb team member said...

That looks a very good puzzle.
I do like your pitcher.
I've not seen a coloured milk bottle before.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

I'm glad you got to be outside today, but it looks very wet!
I really like that puzzle and your pitcher too.
I've never seen a milk bottle in that color.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Wow, the rain was really coming down when you took that first picture! Glad you got to walk outside after a few days of walking inside. That's really a great puzzle, and I really like the pitcher that Ken's mom gave you. Glad you had a good day. See you again tomorrow.

Granny Marigold said...

That looks like a challenging but fun puzzle to do. I think I can see which pitcher looks like the one you have ( which is a lovely one).

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love that puzzle! I’d like all those pitchers, too. The one your mother-in-law gave you is nice.

eileeninmd said...

I love the puzzle photo and all the pitchers. Your pitcher is pretty too. I am happy with the temps in the 40's it's the low 20's that are bad. Take care, have a great day!

Ann said...

We had rain here yesterday too and a lot of our snow has melted. That pitcher does look like the ones in the puzzle.
Good job on getting the Christmas cards done. I got mine all finished yesterday as well and will put them in the mail today.

Jeanette said...

That is a pretty pitcher!

Inger said...

I agree about the pitcher, it is very pretty. I got my walker and I hope to make at least a few steps. I'm sure I will blog about my adventures.

Bill said...

You got that puzzle sorted out fast. I've never seen a colored milk bottle before either.

Shelby said...

That puzzle looks like such a fun challenge! The pitchers are all lovely, and the one your mother-in-law gave you is so charming—it must be special to have that connection. Also, great job on getting those Christmas cards done—it always feels good to check that off the list. I need to get on that too after our carpet cleaning in jacksonville is finished.

Kerri Farley said...

Your pitcher is beautiful - and so is the puzzle!

ellen b. said...

That's a unique pitcher you have. Love the puzzle, too. Woohoo for being able to walk outside again!