Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, December 30, 2024

Milk Bottle Monday

37 degrees, cloudy, and windy this morning when I walked in town.
For the past 4 days sunrise has been 7:37.

Walked through town and over to the DG Market where
I turned around walked back to the ball park.

I haven't seen the chickens for a few weeks now.
Maybe they don't have them anymore.
Haven't see anyone to ask about them.

Next walked around the lower cemetery.

Then it was up the hill to the other cemetery.
Very windy.
I made it up the hill in record time with the wind pushing me all the way.🙂

The two horses were back in the pasture by the Drane house.
Haven't seen them for months and months!!

The one came over to see me.

Walking back down the hill the wind was against me and it was like
walking UP the hill. 
Glad to be out walking though, wind and all.

Again no one else out that I saw.
Others probably waiting till it isn't so dark.

Morning Walk Steps 11,065

☁️    💨    🎉    🙂

We went to the dump this morning and got rid of our garbage.
On the way back we stopped at the DG Market.
Picked out a few cards including a retirement one for Connie.
Also got her a Visa Gift card.
A few of you asked if Connie lived in town.
She doesn't right in town but near enough that I'll see her once in a while.
The other 2 librarians, Lori and Mya are still there and they are
very nice and helpful also.
They will probably hire a third one to replace Connie.

The DG Market had some Christmas tins on sale for 50 cents each
so I bought 4 of them to use next year.
How can you pass them up for that price!!!

We started a puzzle a couple of days ago.
David and Liz gave us a big jigsaw puzzle work board.
It was the perfect gift for us because it is something that is nice to have
but we would never had bought for ourselves.

Milk Bottle Number 13

Last weeks bottles were the last of the quart bottles.
This one is a pint.

Got a good start on some of the usual weekly house chores.

I started reading Fellowship Point by Alice Elliot Dark 
which is the next book club selection and read about 50 pages 
and it just wasn't doing it for me so I'm not going to read it.

Hope you enjoyed your Monday.
Thanks for stopping by.
HappyK 🙂 


Tom said...

...we had a pink sunrise too, but nothing as grand as yours. I love Little's Dairy slogan!

Pom Pom said...

Hi Karen! Good for you, out walking in the wind! Aren't horses friendly? I love it when they come close.

Bill said...

The horses are very pretty. Have a great day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your sunrises are always so beautiful!! I hope the chickens did not come upon some FOWL play (pun intended). Hey, there's actually milk in these bottles!!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Love the horses and they’re so personable. The milk bottle look nice with milk in them.

Lisa said...

Now I want some milk bottles. They make the milk look better. Haha.

Rose said...

That sure is some sky! It is gorgeous. I love the milk bottles...they made me realize, I like the writing to be in red. Used to if I started a book, I finished it, but a few years ago I realized why read something I don't even like. There was one book though that I wanted for years, and finally bought it, and I don't remember how much I read but it was the worst book I ever attempted to read...and to think I paid for it!

Granny Marigold said...

I will read 30 pages of a book then if I still don't enjoy reading it I give up. Why force yourself to keep on?
Your puzzle board is quite something with the 6 side areas. Are they detachable?

Ann said...

I picked up gift bags and boxes yesterday that were 75% off. Best time of year to buy that stuff and .50 cents is a great price for those tins.
That work board for puzzles is great. I bet you'll get a lot of use out of that.

eileeninmd said...

Love your sunrise photo, the colors are lovely. Beautiful horses.
I like the puzzle board, it is nice to have the side compartments.

Prims By The Water said...

My grandparents would often change pastures for both cows and horses. It helped the land recover. Maybe that was what happened to the horses. They are wonderful though. So are your milk bottles. Janice

Aritha V. said...

Hoi Karen,

I really love those milk bottles. They remind me of my childhood. The milkman would come to the door and swap our empty milk bottles for full ones. The buttermilk had a red cap, the regular milk had a blue one, and the yogurt had a green one. It was fresh milk.

Did you go for a walk today? I didn’t, but I did yesterday. We’re expecting a storm (a serious one), so there’s a weather warning. My husband did go out today. He ran the final lap, which is the last run of the year, and afterwards they eat oliebollen at a cozy eatery in the forest with his running buddies. The storm will pick up a bit later. The New Year’s Day swim in the sea has been canceled :-)

Thank you so much for following me and for all your comments. I'm really happy you’ve picked up blogging again, as I enjoy following your posts so much!

Lors of Love,

ellen b. said...

Great photos from your windy walk! That is a very thoughtful and useful gift for the two of you! Greg is on his way to the dump right now. Glad it is open today. Fun milk bottles! 50 cents for those tins is a steal! Happy New Year's Eve day to you! See you in 2025!