Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, November 23, 2024

Inside again

This morning wasn't much better than yesterday so another day I had to get my steps inside.
We got about 7 inches of snow.
But as the day wore on it warmed up and we there was a light misty rain so a lot of the snow has melted and it's just a mess now.  
Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be outside walking again.

No one was going to be at stitching this morning at the library so I didn't go there either.

Made a couple more weave-it squares for next months baby blanket.
Red and white for Christmas.

Worked on the puzzle and read some too.
I also dusted a little bit which is my least favorite house chore to do.

Supper tonight was baked rotini (small spirals) with a small salad and I like a nice glass of milk too.

Well, that's all for today.
Hope your Saturday was a happy one.

Comment Replies:
Inger - Yes, the puzzle is a 1,000 piece one and that is the size we like to do.  It just fits on our table which is nice so we can lay out all the pieces. We always do the border first.

Debby - When I don't walk outside I get my steps not only in the basement but walking all around the house too.  I just can't walk on a treadmill.  Tried but it is just not for me. 


Michelle said...

7 inches of snow is crazy to me!

Anonymous said...

How can you be getting snow when you’re 600 km. South of us and we have none!

Henny Penny said...

Your snow pictures are so pretty. So much snow! (last post). Karen, I hate dusting worse than any other housework. Dan asked me one day this week how long it had been since I dusted the top of the refrigerator. :) He got the step stool and together we cleaned it off. There's just so much to dust here I get overwhelmed. Hope you get to walk again soon.

Mari said...

I like the color of the new blanket.
I hope you can walk outside tomorrow!

Tom said...

...rain for us, but I drive 2 1/2 hours south of town to see snow at higher elevations. But not 7 inches! Be warm and well.

Lowcarb team member said...

You have had quite a bit of snow.
Perhaps you will be able to walk outside tomorrow.

All the best Jan

Rose said...

BRRRR to that much snow...ours was bad enough. LOL But it is so pretty. If I didn't have to be careful, I would love it all. I like the yarn you are using.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow. Your squares are such fine work that they look woven. Beautiful, and so even.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I too, don’t care for treadmills. I’d much rather be outside. That will be a pretty blanket - I like the red and white.

Dianna said...

We had about 6 inches of snow, but with all of the misting rain through the night and all day today, it's mostly gone now.

Hill Top Post said...

It may be a winter with lots of snow. You are off to a great start with the pretty white stuff. I like the red and white squares; will make a pretty Christmas blanket. I used to make our pizzas, including the dough, from scratch; think I will start that again.

Katerinas Blog said...

How perfectly knitting matches with winter and snow!

Ann said...

That's a lot of snow. I like the red and white combination for your weave it squares.

eileeninmd said...

Our little bit of snow has melted!
The red and white squares will make a pretty baby blanket.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead.

Aritha V. said...

I read both blogs and always love your photos. Snow, puzzle and also your text. I will walk more in my neigborhood but that is hard. I love to see forest more than houses...

ellen b. said...

I like the mix of the red yarn. Snow makes for a real good puzzle day. Blessings!

Bill said...

Ireland could never handle 7 inches of snow. They have a hard time with 1 inch. :)

Granny Marigold said...

I hope the snow doesn't keep you from walking in the fresh air too many days. 7 inches seems like quite a dump.