Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, November 14, 2024

A Busy Day

This morning when I walked it was 35 degrees, cloudy, and windy.

Walked around one cemetery, then over to the ball park, back to the other cemetery and then just around town.

Didn't see anyone else out this time.

Walked once around the ball park and didn't see any chickens the second time around I called out to them and out they came from their coop. 
Once they saw I had no food they ignored me.

Walking Steps this morning were 8,153.
Had to be home earlier than usual cause had to leave the house by 8:15.

☁️    🐓    🦃   🙂 

Had a follow up doctors appointment from my hospital stay and I'm doing well.

From there we went to Walmart and I ordered another pair of glasses. 
I had a coupon for 20% off on a second pair.
This pair will be just for distance and will use them for driving.
Still trying to get used to the bifocals!!

Next and last stop was church for a Fingerprint work day.  
We got there 10:15 and worked till 5:00.
A good turn out of people who worked and we got 5,500 books done.
We will be back tomorrow - our goal is to have 9,000 completed in the two days.

Home now for a relaxing evening.
Looking forward to my ice cream.
Plan on watching a DVD and making some weave it squares.

That was my day.
Happy Thursday and thanks for stopping by.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It really WAs a busy day! I would have had the biggest grin to be able to call chickens and see them come running!

ellen b. said...

I'm glad your follow-up shows you are okay! Whew, that was a long day at church. Hope you can put your feet up and enjoy the evening!

Tom said...

...keep doing well!

Rose said...

I was wondering if you would have to be seeing drs. regularly...glad things are going okay. Yes, that was a long day.

My Shasta Home said...

That’s good that you continue to do well.

Wow that was a very long day working at church. I’m sure it was fun just being with the others knowing that these will find their way into the hands of those who do not know Jesus! That’s a very good day!
I’m buying some mint chocolate chip ice cream tomorrow! I’ve been craving it ever since you first mentioned it.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! So glad things went well with your doctor's check-up. You had a very busy day indeed! You haven't slowed down at all - even after a couple of days in the hospital. See you again tomorrow.

Dianna said...

I'm so glad that your follow up appointment went well.

Granny Marigold said...

Nice to know you're doing well. You sure had a busy day
I hope you can reach your goal for 9000 completed books in 2 days.

Ann said...

That was a busy day. Glad to hear the follow up appointment was good news.

Prims By The Water said...

You did have a busy day. Hope you reach your goal. Do share your weave it squares. Janice

eileeninmd said...

Cute shot of the chickens. I am glad you had a great follow up with the doctor. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

Bill said...

Glad your appointment went well. The chickens probably wondered why you called them out and had no treats for them. How could you? :)

R's Rue said...

Yay for good news.

Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased that your follow-up doctors appointment went well and that you doing well.

All the best Jan