Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Another wet one

My waterproof hiking boots and new raincoat are sure getting a work out.
Another wet rainy walk.
58 degrees and no wind.

Rebecca was out walking in the rain too but I'm sure she was soaked wearing shorts, and no raincoat, not even an umbrella!!

I walked all over town again up and down all the side streets and the main road.
Walked both cemeteries and around the ball park too.

Stopped here at the ball park and took a little video. 
You can hear the rain on the leaves.

I was walking past the public works garage and I heard Hey Karen.
Turned around and it was Bill (Town worker) and he was smiling and said I thought that was you when I saw you earlier from blocks away in that bright raincoat.😄

Morning Walk Steps 13,624

🌧     🍁     🍁     🌧

This morning I baked a cake using a box of Duncan Hines Dolly Parton's Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake mix.
It sure smelled good baking and tasted just as good.

Did a few things around the house that needed doing and then I got to the counted cross stitch.  
The next update I post it will be done!

I read a while before getting supper made.
Today made Baked Ziti which we haven't had for a while.
Sorry don't have a recipe.

That's going to be all for this day.
Happy Tuesday and thanks for visiting.

Comment replies:
Sandi - For the last few months every Monday I take a picture of Pink Peep in a different place in my house.  Yesterday just happened to be on the scale, I really didn't want to weigh it. 🙂

The rains that nourish the optimist's flowers 
make the pessimist's weeds grow.
Evan Esar


Tom said...

...cinnamon is a great addition to bake goods! I hope that tomorrow we will get some rain.

Mari said...

That first photo of the dark, rainy morning is really good.
Hope tomorrow you don't need a rain coat though!
The cake sounds like something my husband would enjoy.

Sandi said...

Oh, ok! 😄

I like this:

"The rains that nourish the optimist's flowers
make the pessimist's weeds grow.
Evan Esar"

Dianna said...

I loved the video. I felt like I was right there walking with you.
And I also enjoyed the quote.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You really captured the look of a dark rainy morning. The cake mix looks good. I can’t find that around here -

Granny Marigold said...

I wonder if we have that cake mix out here. I'll check when I go shopping..
I often feel chilly and the thought of Rebecca wearing shorts in 58 degrees and rain makes me shiver just thinking about it :(

Rose said...

I love the sound in the video....I bet Rebecca was cold walking at that temp in the rain. And bet it felt wonderful to her when she got home. Doesn't it make you so glad you have a warm home to come home to?

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have one of dolly's mixes, too. And now can't wait to try it! Your first black and white photo reminds me of a scene from an old detective show.

Ann said...

I've seen those Dolly cake mixes but haven't bought one. That one sure looks good. I love cinnamon.
I enjoyed hearing the rain in your video.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Still raining here.

God bless.

Prims By The Water said...

We had some heavy rain move in early evening yesterday. Baked ziti sounds good. We had sloppy joes that I make homemade. Janice

eileeninmd said...

I just heard on our local news we have had 12 days of clouds and rain. The cake looks yummy. Take care, have a wonderful day!

Kerri Farley said...

We needed the rain, just not quite this much! That cake looks delicious!

Michelle said...

Today will be our first rain free day in about a week. I am ready to get rid of the sogginess and so are my chickens, I imagine!

ellen b. said...

A dark start to your walk. The right gear is so important! Yum the coffee cake looks good!

Billie Jo said...

Thank you for the video! I miss the leaves on the ground. On Maryland where we are, we have tons of pines!

Bill said...

I love your first photo. Makes me think of a mystery cover.

Happy@Home said...

I enjoyed your video, although I don't want to see any more rain for awhile.
I had forgotten that David and Liz used to live in Asheville. I'm sure they are relieved to no longer live there now. Thank you for your prayers regarding my eyes. I found out at the last appointment that I can go 6 weeks (instead of 4) until the next injection. Your prayers are working :).
I have seen that Dolly has a line of cake mixes out. The one you made looks yummy. I'll have to try it.

doodles n daydreams said...

That top photo is wonderful, puts me mind of a murder mystery.

Jeanette said...

That cake looks really good!

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your first photograph.

All the best Jan