Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, September 30, 2024

Pink Peep Monday

This morning as I walked in town it was raining and 61 degrees.
It was a good morning to see how well my new waterproof Keen shoes worked.
They passed the test.  Feet stayed dry!!
Morning Walk Steps 13,311
Found a Penny

Put a DVD down the library drop and the walked around town up and down the main road and side streets.
Continued around both cemeteries and the ball park too.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.

I saw a fox up at the cemetery on top of the hill.
He turned around and looked at me and the ran into the corn.

It is nice to hear the sound of rain on my hood as I walked.
Another nice sound the rain makes is falling on the corn!

🌧      🍁    🌧     🍁

My cold is gone today and I feel fine. Glad it was such a mild one!!  I don't even remember the last time I had a cold!!

Had to hang the laundry on the drying rack today again.
Couldn't wait for a sunny day with clothes piling up.

Made a trip to the dump this morning.

David is leaving for Hawaii tomorrow for a month to see his kids and Liz is going to Florida to see her kids for a couple of weeks.
Since they will be gone for a while we took them out for pizza at Brenda's.

Pink Peep gets weighed this week.

Getting close to finishing the counted cross stitch I'm working on.
Glad to have finished some small yellow flowers that were intricate with 4 different colors.

Happy Monday and thanks for stopping by.


Rose said...

You will miss David and Liz being near by. Pink Peep doesn't weight much...I almost spelled it w-a-y. I wonder how many times I spell something wrong...probably more than I would want to know. I can just imagine the sound of the rain on your hood and in the corn.

Michelle said...

Pink Peep is looking good :)

Dianna said...

I'm so glad that you are feeling better and that your cold was short lived. Pink Peep looks so cute on the scale.

Tom said...

...I'm glad that you are feeling better, be well.

Sandi said...

Why do you weigh the peep?

Mari said...

I like the leaves on the ground in the rain. It sure says Fall!
Pink Peep doesn't need to lose any weight. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Pink Peep seems to be getting a tad portly! From eating all of your good food, no doubt.

Granny Marigold said...

I like to hear the rain on my umbrella. Haven't walked in rain very often this summer but soon that will change.
It will be extra quiet with David and Liz gone for some weeks. Nice that you could go for pizza together before they leave.