Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, September 16, 2024

New Windows!?

Arrived in town at 6:20 and it was 52 degrees and once it got light mostly cloudy with a little bit of sun.

Walked to the library first and dropped off a couple of DVD's down the slot.
Continued on through town and then around the ball park loop and both of the cemeteries and around town again.

The man who runs around the ball park loop was doing his laps.
John was out walking Prim and saw a woman I don't know out walking too.

Someone told me that the Drane house had gotten new windows put in so I went over to it to check it out.  Looked like the same old windows to me.  



Morning Walk Steps 13,078

☁️     ⛅️     ⛅️

I had planned on staying home this morning and getting started on my weekly house cleaning but decided to go with Ken to the dump and then on to Lowe's instead.

We got back home in time for lunch and we had nachos.

Didn't get any work done today.
I read, worked on the cross stitch, and sat on the front porch. 

Supper tonight for supper we had a nice big salad with shredded chicken on top.

This Monday, Pink Peep is on a shelf in the pantry deciding on a box of pasta.

That's all I have for today.
Happy Monday and thanks for visiting.


Tom said...

...the windows in the Drane house should have a period look!

Michelle said...

I like that old cabin. I have started walking each morning, now that I am home, and feel like I can't do without it. It's become a great way to start my day.

Lowcarb team member said...

Love the colour of the leaves on the tree.

All the best Jan

Dianna said...

The flowers in the last picture are so pretty. Are those at your house? Nachos sound yummy! That's something we haven't had for a while...well, I should rephrase that. I had Pulled Pork Nachos last Wednesday at Sweitzer's BBQ in Oakland. Have you ever eaten there? Their BBQ is delicious.

Mari said...

I'm glad they didn't change the windows at the Drane house; it needs that authentic look.
We had pork nachos last week.
The pink peep likes Barilla! We do too.

Granny Marigold said...

You have quite a nice selection of different pasta. I wonder which one Pink Peep prefers.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your flowers are beautiful! And what a big beautiful tree. You buy the same brand of pasta that I do!

Deb J. in Utah said...

The Drane House is very well preserved. Pink peep really gets around your house. I hope you have a good week!

Prims By The Water said...

That Drane house is a cool piece of history. Is it a museum or does someone private own it, and do you know the year it was built? Always love seeing where pink peeps travels too. Janice

Ann said...

Maybe pink peep is trying to tell you that a nice pasta dish would be good for supper...lol

eileeninmd said...

The Drane House does look nice! Peep must want some pasta for dinner. Pretty flowers! Take care, enjoy your day.

Rose said...

That big old tree is gorgeous! Maybe Pink Peep feels like having Italian for dinner.

Bill said...

I like the Drane House's window, they look nice.