Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Another day another walk

I got to town and started walking at 6:30.
It was 60 degrees and once it was light out it was sunny with some clouds.

Walked through town and then part of my walk was a little bit different.

A couple of days ago I was talking to Dwayne (Lisa's husband) and he told me about another place I could walk.
So today I went where he said.

Walked up this road.  Lisa and Dwayne's house is on the right.

Continued past their house up this road.

Then walked all along the top of their property,

and turned here and walked up the hill which is a lot steeper than it looks.

I wasn't sure how far I could go up here so when I saw a house in the woods,

I turned around and walked back the way I had come.  At least I got to walk down the hill.  Some nice view from up here though isn't it!!

It was nice to walk this way because it was different but not something I'd do very often.  I like walking around town, at least on my morning walk.   

When I got back into town, I walked around the ball park, loop and both of the cemeteries.

John was out walking Prim again and I saw a woman walking who I see every so often.  Maybe she will become a regular.

Spotted this pretty fungus at the bottom of a tree.

Morning Walk Steps 13,142

    🌤     ðŸŒ¤     ðŸŒ¤

Stitching morning at the library and there were 5 of us regulars there but a man stopped by with his two daughters.  
The older girl (14) was interested in making clothes and the younger girl Gabby (7) wanted to learn how to knit.  
Mikie, very patiently taught her and by the time we left Gabby was knitting. 🙂🧶
Gabby is left handed so that made teaching a bit harder.

Worked on the cross stitch again this afternoon.
Like to do at least a little bit every day.
Ken and sat on the porch and we were supposed to get a thunder storm.  
It got dark, we heard lots of thunder but just got a few drops of rain!

That's all for today.
Happy Saturday and thanks for stopping by.

Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. 
It is the one way of freedom. 
If you go to a place on anything but your own feet 
you are taken there too fast, 
and miss a thousand delicate joys 
that were waiting for you by the wayside.
Elizabeth von Arnim


Tom said...

...if I were walking in this beautiful area, my eyes would wander and slow me down!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The view is beautiful. And the fungus looks like candy corn!! So, will you walk this way again, or is the hill a bit too much?

Prims By The Water said...

Just gorgeous pictures! Glad you were able to find this new route to walk.Janice

Rose said...

How wonderful that someone could teach Gabby to knit! I love your new place to walk...I thought excellent views before you mentioned it.

Dianna said...

How kind of the lady in your stitching group to teach the young girl about knitting.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Yes, that is a beautiful view from the new trail you walked today. I think it is nice that two young girls want to learn to knit and sew. Have a nice Sunday.