Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, August 02, 2024


 When I got to town it was 70 degrees, mostly cloudy, and breezy.
Some blue sky here and there at first and then all clouds.

Interesting clouds and pretty skies this morning.

Picked up some more apples for the deer.

Walked around both cemeteries first and then the ball park loop.
Stopped back at the Jeep to pick up a DVD and then over to
the library to drop it off.

Then walked all over town up and down the side streets.
Kermit was out working in his back yard and I stopped to say hi.

Did you ever stop and watch chickens run.
So funny!!
I watched these three running up the yard to get to the water.
Looked like they were having a race!!

There is another apple tree just past the library and I've been
kicking apples down the road.

Some of them make it down to the main road and then get
squashed when the cars run them over.
If you look closely you might see a couple of apples in the road.
Doesn't take much to amuse me. 🙂

Saw a couple of rabbits and the geese are still at the pond
but didn't see any people out walking.

It looked like it would rain but it never did.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    ☁️    ☁️

Ken asked if I'd bake some brownies today so I did.
They will go nice with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
tonight for our snack.

Did some more work on the counted cross stitch.
Working on a row of small flowers that have four different
colors, a French knot in each and have to be outlined.
Have started the outlining part and then just have to do the knots.
When done I'll be half finished with the whole thing.

I'm sounding like a broken record here, but again I sat out on
the front porch and read for a while this afternoon.

Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by.


Dianna said...

Your pictures of the clouds and sky are so pretty... especially the second one. I love to watch chickens. They can be kind of comical at times. Glad you are able to sit on the porch and read .

Tom said...

...did you play kick the can as a kid? I did.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

When you actually take the time to watch all animals, after a while, you notice their personalities, and yes, I believe chickens have personalities! :-)

The Furry Gnome said...

Sitting and reading sounds good to me!

Mari said...

I love your sky shots today. You made me laugh at the picture of you kicking the apples down the road. I think we need to take all the time we can porch sitting before the cold weather comes back.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The yellow streaks in the sky are gorgeous! Great temp for walking. Chickens can be so funny!

Rose said...

I am easily amused, too. But right at this present moment I cannot tell you an example. Though sometimes I wonder if it is that I am bored and anything to change up my routine.

In this case, a broken record is good. Sitting and reading is fun.

Katerinas Blog said...

Wonderful skies!
I really like chickens!
Have a nice weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Kicking apples down the road would amuse me too! Those are really lovely sky pictures. Watching those chickens sounds like fun! I hope you have a good Saturday. See you then!

Ann said...

Those are some wonderful sky pictures. I love that you entertain yourself while you're walking doing things like watching chickens run and seeing how far you can kick apples. Those are the kinds of things that I could entertain myself with.

Melanie said...

I love your game - "Kick the apple"! Your sky photos are so pretty. I love to look at the sky and try to find shapes in the clouds.
I sure envy you living so close to your library that you can walk. So convenient. Mine isn't too far away but I have to go through heavy traffic to get there.
You are so faithful with your cross stitch. I need to get back to my knitting but I'm in a slump with it right now
Have a great weekend.

Bill said...

You captured some beautiful skies today.

ellen b. said...

The skies are so interesting. Glad you are easily entertained and you enjoy your surroundings!