Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, August 19, 2024

Pink Peep Monday

 63 degrees this morning when I walked under cloudy skies.
Sunrise is 6:34
so I start my walk before sunrise now.

Walked around both of the cemeteries.

Continued on over to the ball park and walked that loop.
Up and down the main road and all the side streets.

No one else out walking that I saw.

Came across an old pear tree with little pears starting to grow.
Pulled these four little ones off the tree.
Going to put them out back and see if the deer like these as much as the apples.
I didn't have a bag so put them in my hat.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    ☁️    ☁️

We left this morning and went to Uniontown, Pa.
One of our stops was at Hobby Lobby.

Couldn't believe all the Christmas stuff they have out already.
Must have been a quarter of the whole store.
I bought a couple of boxes of Christmas cards for 50% off.
Know it is early but last year by the time I got around
to looking for cards I had a hard time finding any!!

Bought some long sleeve tee shirts.
They are only $8.99 and got 30% off.

Also got another pot holder for my collection.
Already put it up on the wall above the doors in the dining room.
It is the red and white checked one.

Another stop we made was at Harbor Freight.
Ken got a new cement mixer - motor finally went on the old one.
We've had it many many years and was Ken's fathers a long time ago.
Also picked up a new miter saw.

This week Pink Peep decided to visit with Mr. Snowman.

I've posted the progress on the counted cross stitch on my
other blog and is HERE if you care to take a look.

That's going to be it for today
Happy Monday and thanks for visiting


Tom said...

...Christmas is about 4 month away. How can that be?

Mari said...

I was in our Hobby Lobby last week and was also shocked by how much Christmas is out. I'm not even ready for Fall yet, but you were smart to buy cards now.
I really like your pot holder collection. It looks cute up there.
I checked out your cross stitch. It's going to be nice to have all those promises on display.

Granny Marigold said...

I checked out your cross stitch too. It's lovely💗.
Christmas stuff already? What about Fall? I can do without the ugly Halloween stuff though.
Pink Peep chose a funny spot today.
I like your newest pot holder in red checks. (I love almost anything in red).

Ginny Hartzler said...

The cross stitch is so lovely and very detailed!! I love your big snowman! I think my favorite potholder is the one with the houses and birds! I did not know you have another blog!

Inger said...

I love reading about your walks, they are so inspiring.

Dianna said...

Good deal on the Christmas cards! I still have plenty left over from last year. But if I didn't I'd seriously consider going to Hobby Lobby!

What a fun way to display your potholders! They are each so unique.

Pink Peep looks all nice and cozy with Mr. Snowman.

Karen, the counted cross stitch is beautiful! What a treasure! Will you frame it once it's finished or will you make a pillow with it?

Kim said...

Your cross stitch is lovely! Cute pattern! Lots of variation.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

By Santa sitting on the chair with pink peep, I’m guessing you’ve started decorating for Christmas?
That is an impressive cross stitch. It will be nice when it’s completed.
I like red and white checks. It really pops!

Rose said...

I have been wondering if you miss have sunshine bright and early to walk in...I miss getting up to sunlight streaming in. Pink looks all snuggly there, too, with the snowan. Glad you mentioned Hobby Lobby. I would like to go there and see before it gets picked over.

How many potholders have you got now? They are such a cheefful decoration...plus if you got tired of them you could use them or give them as gifts.

Prims By The Water said...

A few months ago I had asked the manager of the Hobby Lobby I go too why they put out all pf the holidays so early. She told me that they have lots of folks who need to purchase items ahead of time that have businesses or do craft shows for the seasons. That then made sense to me. Hope Pink Peeps enjoyed his stay this week but I am not ready for snow yet. Janice

Ann said...

Hobby Lobby does tend to rush the seasons even more than other stores do. Buying the Christmas cards now was a good idea. I hate that things are already picked over by the time I'm ready to start buying for the holiday.
Love that snowman. Pink Peep picked a good spot to hang out.

eileeninmd said...

Stores seem to put out the Christmas items earlier and earlier.
It was a good deal on the Christmas cards. Cute spot for Pink Peep and the cute Snowman. Take care, enjoy your day!

Kerri Farley said...

The peep looks right at home with the snowman :)

Visits With Mary said...

What a great idea to collect and display potholders. I've never thought of that! Pink Peep looks so cozy with her snowman friend. I went over and looked at your cross stitch, it's lovely. I love to stitch but I'm so moody about it. I have to be 'in the mood'. lol Have a great day.

Inger said...

I love that you keep a few stuffed animal friends around. This gave me a thought that I should post about my three, Patrick, a dog from when I was four, Spuds from Newark airport to keep me safe on my transatlantic flight, and Donkey, just because I love donkeys.

Bill said...

This year is flying by. We haven't seen Christmas items in our stores which are small. I imagine the bigger towns have plenty out on the shelves