Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, August 08, 2024

A misty walk

 Drove to town in a misty rain and it lasted for all of my walk.
It was 68 degrees with occasional wind.
It was too warm to wear a rain jacket and not raining hard enough
and was too windy for an umbrella.
I didn't mind getting a bit damp because it kept me cool.

Walked the cemeteries, the ball park loop and all around town
up and down all the streets.

Saw Rebecca a couple times, once at the cemetery and once
at the ball park.
A man who I've seen a few times now was out running.

Karen, a woman I know from town stopped to ask me if I wanted
to borrow her umbrella.
I told her thanks for asking but the rain was keeping me cool.

Morning Walk Steps

🌧    🌧

It was book club day and in summer we usually meet at the park in town.
Weather wasn't so nice so I went to the library thinking it would
be inside this time.
I thought wrong and no one was there.
I needed to go to the library anyway.
Two items were still checked out to me but I had already returned.
That got straightened out and I returned a book.
The park is just a few blocks away and I could have easily gone
there but just came home instead.
Had some things I wanted to get done around the house anyway.

Had fun changing a few things around in the house.
A couple of chairs, a book case, a bench and a bunch of small items.
Things I didn't know that to do with got put in the office so
that room is a mess now.
I'm saving that for another day.

Hope your Thursday was a happyone
Thanks for visiting


Dianna said...

I'm sorry that things didn't work out as far as your book club day today.
I changed some things around today, too. I have limited counter space was trying to figure out what I could store away in order to give me more room. Got that taken care of and I am loving it! Happy straightening the office...:)

Michelle said...

I love a good summer shower and nice that it was able to keep you cool. Changing things around in the house can make everything seem so new, I think.

jack69 said...

Smiling. We did not come close to that # but did get in a little over 3000. I kept my right hand in my pocket to keep from moving the shoulder. Love from down this way..

ellen b. said...

It's nice to hear about the kindness of other people in your town. It's been a while since we've changed up anything in the house. Greg did move some things from the garage to the shop and that has been a nice change. Happy evening to you!

Hill Top Post said...

When i rearrange things in the house, I always end up with some things that have no place to go; therefore another mess as you say. This morning was our coolest walk in a long time - 75 degrees. I look forward to those 60 degree mornings.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I need to work in our office straightening up and getting rid of some things in that room. Sorry you missed your book club. What book did you read? I'm not in any book club at all right now. See you again tomorrow!

Rose said...

I feel like I still need to get rid of more things. And did actually choose a couple tops I don't wear to go in a bag for Good Will. Which I wish I had taken today but did not plan on the stop...but ended up stopping anyway. I am really wanting a big chunk of time to go through sewing things and rearrange them.

Sandi said...

Beautiful violets!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think it can cheer you up to change the furniture around from time to time.

Anonymous said...

I have a room where I put everything that I don't know what to do with. It's a huge mess and I never seem to get around to cleaning it out.

Bill said...

The flowers are very pretty.

Kerri Farley said...

Sounds like you were getting a bit of the outer bands of Tropical Storm Debby. Glad it wasn't too bad for you!

Tom said...

...that mixed pot of flowers are beautiful and they are so popular these days.