Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, July 26, 2024

Day two of Fingerprints

 58 degrees this morning when I was in town walking.
Mostly cloudy but did see a little sunshine too.
Saw the doe and her twin fawns on my way to town.
These twins were the older ones, there are others that are younger.

Walked around both of the cemeteries first.

Then down the road towards home, turned around and back to town.

Walked along the main road and over to the ball park loop.
Around town some more and then back to the Jeep.

Kinsley and her mom drove passed and Kinsley yelled
out the window, Hi Miss Karen. 

All the other walkers and runners must have taken the day off
because I didn't see anyone.

I've always liked this house.
The sunflowers look so pretty there on the side of the porch.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    🌤

Drove to church again for another day of doing Fingerprints.
A short day. (9:00 - 12:30)
Just a handful of people showed up again but we got quite a few done anyway.
7,224 books, put together, stapled, cut, and boxed up.

Didn't get anything done around the house when we got home.
Just had a nice relaxing afternoon puttering about.

Made our usual pizza for supper which we always enjoy.

Happy Friday
Thanks for stopping by
Comment Replies:
GrannyM - Too bad about your nephew hitting the deer, happens often around here.  Since we encounter deer almost every time we drive down our road.  We expect to see them so are always on the look out for them.


Tom said...

...it's easy to see why you love living in this area!

Billie Jo said...

The sunflower house is beautiful! And pizza night is a favorite here. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

Lowcarb team member said...

Four very nice photographs.

All the best Jan

Dianna said...

Pizza night sounds yummy. I didn't make pizza today but I did make a rustic tomato tart.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those flowers are in the most perfect spot by this house!! Great walking photos today!

Mari said...

That's a beautiful sunrise! I like your dear photo too.
We usually have pizza for Sat night supper.

Rose said...

That first shot of the sunrise is gorgeous. I like that house that you like....

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! I like that house too. The sunflowers look so pretty and I noticed the rain barrel under the downspout. Homemade pizza sounds like the perfect Friday night meal. I hope that you and Ken have a good weekend!

Ann said...

I had 3 deer cross the road in front of me when I was out yesterday. I didn't have my phone close enough to take a picture though.
Those sunflowers do look nice next to that house. I like that front porch too.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Lovely sky photo.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos, I love the sky and the deer!
The pizza sounds yummy!
Take care, have a happy weekend.


It sounds like you had a pleasant and productive morning walk, even with the mostly cloudy weather. Seeing the doe and her fawns must have been a lovely moment. The sunflowers by the house you mentioned must have added a nice touch to your route.

Your day at church for Fingerprints and getting through a good number of books sounds fulfilling. It’s great that you could end the day with a relaxing afternoon and your usual pizza dinner. Thanks for sharing your day’s highlights! READ MY NEW BLOG POST> THANK YOU>

ellen b. said...

I like that house, too, and the sunflowers add a lot to that corner. Well done on the books. Pizza night is a welcome night! Happy weekend to you.

Katerinas Blog said...

Amazing morning walk! I really liked the baby deer.
The house is great matches the colors of the flag!
Have a nice Sunday!

Bill said...

Beautiful photos! Have a lovely day.

Granny Marigold said...

Those sunflowers sure are tall. They look so nice against the brick house ( which is quite a lovely house).