Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 When I was in town walking this morning it was sunny and 55 degrees.
When done walking it was 65.
Morning Walk Steps

Walked around both of the cemeteries first and then went down the
main road towards home for a while and then turned and came back to town.

Continued through town over to the ball park and around there.
Then just back around town.

Thought these red petunias look so pretty hanging there.

The old house in town that has been falling apart for years now has
some caution tape blocking the porch entrance.
Also a tree and bushes have been cut down.
Hoping that someone is finally going to tear the old house down.
It's been falling down every since we moved here 13 years ago.

The only person I saw out today was John again walking Prim.

Don't know why but this just caught my eye.

☀️    ☀️

Taking advantage of this pretty sunny day and got a couple of loads
of laundry done.

Ken asked if I'd make some English Muffin Loafs so did that this morning too.
I needed 2 cups of milk and that is exactly what I had left.

Also did a few house hold chores.

Then after lunch we went to Shop and Save to get a few things.
Didn't need much so was in and out quickly.

Had some time to work a little more on the counted cross stitch.
Then read on the porch till I had to get supper.
 I had some left over shredded chicken so made 
Chicken ala King.
It's been a long time since we had that.

That's it for this post.
Happy Tuesday and thanks so much for coming by.

Comment Replies:
Deb - I just use blogger designing my post. 
Deb and Ivy - Don't know where they are going on the mission trip.


John's Island said...

Karen, Neat post, as always, and I especially love those first two images. Thank you so much for answering all my questions about the theme you are using. It just looks great. Good day to you and Ken. John

Tom said...

...those daisies always catch my eye too.

Dianna said...

Those hanging baskets of flowers are beautiful...especially the red one! Really eye-catching.

I checked out your recipe blog to see if you had a recipe for Chicken ala King and you did, so I copied and pasted it so I can give it a try. That's something I've never made, but I remember an episode of Andy Griffith where Aunt Bee was talking about one of the lady's Chicken ala King.

Mari said...

We had huge storms here and rain most of the day, but now the sun is out.
It's a shame no one cared for that old house. It looks like it was very nice at one time.
I haven't had chicken ala king for some time. I'm going to have to add that to the menu.

Michelle said...

Always sad to see a house go into disrepair. Maybe I need to add chicken a la king to my menu this week. I run out of ideas!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I would like to know your recipe for the chicken a'la king. The petunias are beautiful and abundant! That poor old house. It must have been so awesome back in it's day!

Ivy Green said...

Thanks for your reply. We pray for the safety of the missionaries wherever they go.

Rose said...

That is too bad about that old house...you know at some point in time, it was probably a home to a family. I just hate seeing them fall down.

Granny Marigold said...

O dear. I pressed the wrong key and lost my comment.
I wanted to comment on that hanging basket of red petunias. It is so lovely.

Ann said...

I like that first picture. There's something about how the rows are neatly defined that I find appealing.
So sad about that house. It looks like it was a nice one at one time.

eileeninmd said...

The petunias and the daisies are pretty.
The view view is lovely, beautiful landscape.
I hope someone comes along to fix up that old house.
Take care. have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I like those petunias.

God bless.

Kerri Farley said...

That hanging plant is very festive. Beautiful color!

Happy@Home said...

Your morning walking temperatures sound delightful to me. The heat is on here and I'm not a fan.
The house looks like it was very nice at one time. Wonder what happened?

Bill said...

Very sad to see that old house in such disrepair.

Lowcarb team member said...

The red petunias look very nice in the hanging basket.

All the best Jan

ellen b. said...

Sad to see that house in such disrepair. Woohoo for sunshine and line drying. I'll pop over and see your Wednesday post now...