Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, May 13, 2024


Well here I am again back to blogging.
Just can't seem to give it up.
Guess blogging has become a part of my life just like walking is. 😊

During the last few weeks while walking I met another walker, Geraldine.
She lives along the main road and sees me walking all the time
and she said it made her get back to walking again.

I also met the woman who moved into the new white house in town
who sits outside and reads.
I introduced myself to her and invited her to the book club meeting
at the library.
Her name is Carmen.  

Saturday evening there was some excitement around here.
We had a tornado in our area.
Thank God it missed the town and only took down trees.
This is a video we got off the internet.

This is where it came through 1/2 mile down the road from our house.

πŸŒͺ️    πŸŒͺ️

This morning I was at town and walking at 6:30.
Sunrise was at 6:03 so its light out now when I start out.
The temperature was 42 at first and 49 when I got back to the Jeep.

A nice sunny walk. 

Had a very random walk all over town including both cemeteries and the ball park.

Was up at the long barn and Farmer Marvin was there talking to a couple
of new employees who help him on the farm.
He introduced me by saying
This is Karen who is trying to wear out another pair of shoes.πŸ˜€

This was the day in town when you could put anything out at the curb
that you didn't want.  
I passed by Bill and Greg who were picking all the stuff up to bring to
the dump.  Asked if they had found any good junk.
They had a few things put aside.

Also stopped to talk to a fisherman at the pond.
He had caught 4 fish, 2 rainbow trout and
can't remember what kind the other two were.

Morning Walk Steps

☀️    ☀️

Did the basic house chores and then I went outside.

I was cutting down lots of new sticker bushes that were growing
out by our little waterfall
while Ken was cutting up some trees that had fallen down.

After lunch we were back out again.
Lots of weeds grow under the stone arched bridge out back
and the drainage ditch that we made look like a little brook.
It is usually dry but when it rains it fills up with water.
We lined the whole bottom with rubber and are putting rocks
all along the bottom.
Very easy to find all the rocks we need right out back.
I'll take a picture when it is finished.

After we got tired of working we sat out on the porch.
Ken read and I knitted.

To continue the outside theme today we grilled hot dogs for supper
out back on the BBQ that Ken made out of rocks!!

I'll end this post today showing you where the Pink Peep 
is hanging out lately.

Hope your day was a happy one
and thanks so much for stopping by.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I don't know much about tornadoes, but that looks like a big one. So glad it didn't make it to town.

Tom said...

...I'm glad that you are safe.

Happy@Home said...

First of all, hip hip hooray on your decision to continue blogging!
That tornado was awfully close. So glad that you are safe and sound. There seem to be an awful lot of tornadoes happening lately.
How nice for you to extend an invitation to Carmen to attend the book club.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad you are posting!!! You have made a lot of friends on your walk. IK imagine more people are out as the weather is getting better. What a huge tornado!!!! So frightening, I am so glad it did not hit your neighborhood!

ellen b. said...

Yikes glad that tornado veered off from town or your place. They are a scary force! Sounds like a great walk with fun interactions with people you met along the way. Welcome back to blogging. It is a fun activity.

Mari said...

I'm so glad that tornado didn't come any closer to you! We had a few big ones come to a town near us last week. There was lots of damage but no lives lost.
Sounds like a good walk with lots of people to talk to.
Welcome back!

Granny Marigold said...

That tornado was just a bit too close to your house for comfort. I'm so glad it missed. Just looking at the trees that were blown down gives me the shivers.
How lovely that Geraldine began to go walking again inspired by you πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—.
I wonder if you had ice cream this evening. I always like reading what you had. Silly, huh?

susan q said...

Your example of reading and walking have touched others, Karen. I did see the video of the tornado on the Tribune Review newspaper! Very powerful and scary. Some of my family lives near Washington County where the tornado touched down and were under a tornado warning.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I am so glad you are back in blogland. You were missed! You are so positive and you are a great example of leading a simple and Godly life. I hope you keep blogging. I don't think I will ever stop blogging either. As long as I can think and type, I will probably post. I am so glad that you and your lovely town were safe and that the tornado didn't cause too much damage or worse. Tornadoes can be so scary. I have lived in some areas that are prone to tornadoes - Oklahoma, Nebraska and Illinois. Colorado also gets tornadoes sometimes and a few years ago there was a strong tornado in downtown Salt Lake City and someone even died. I do not like tornadoes at all! I am glad you are safe, but half a mile away is too close for comfort. I hope you have a good week with good weather and no storms! See you again tomorrow!

Ivy Green said...

Happy to see you blogging still and sharing your adventures. Thank you for all the joy and knowledge you spread.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Take care in such difficult weather.

God bless.

Ann said...

How awesome that you inspired someone else to start walking again.
So glad that tornado didn't go through your town.

Rose said...

That is close for a tornado... glad it missed you. Old habits die hard...you have been blogging a long time so no wonder you cannot stop.

Debbie said...

That tornado was huge! That's the kind of weather we've been having here in S.E. Texas. Very scary! I'm so glad you're back to blogging! I do have a question...by the end of the day, how many total steps have you done, on average? Just curious :) Have a wonderful day!

Melanie said...

Hooray! You're back! So scary about that tornado. We were under tornado watches all day until midnight, but we were spared. Nashville area got it though. I'm glad you are able to walk with friends. I sure would love to find a book club to join. Have a great day!

Jeanette said...

Very glad you are back to blogging! That is scary that the tornado got so close to you! I'm glad it didn't get to town or hit any houses.

susan q said...

Your example of reading and walking has touched others, Karen. I did see the video of the tornado on the Tribune Review newspaper! Very powerful and scary. Some of my family lives near Washington County where the tornado touched down and were under a tornado warning.

Kerri Farley said...

That tornado was huge! Glad it missed you all!

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness, that tornado was close, so pleased you are okay.

I do like Pink Peep ... so cute.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

There was a big tornado here in 2018.