Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, May 17, 2024

My Friday


55 degrees this morning and cloudy when I walked in town.
Got to town at 6:25 once again and the sun had already 
risen at 6:00.
Morning Walk Steps

Both cemeteries and the ball park are all off from the road that runs
to the left side of the main road.
I walked around both of the cemeteries first and then to the ball park.
Came back down the same road.

Then I walked down the road toward home 1/2 mile and back again.
Stopped to take a picture of some more of Farmer Marvin's cows.
The long barn is off to the right of the picture which is where these were.

When I got back to town I walked up and down the main road 
through town and back again.

Rebecca was out walking Leo and John walking Prim.

My friend Jalene from the stitching group who is also Farmer Marvin's wife,
drove passed me in town and gave me a wave.

The town pond was getting stocked with fish this morning for
tomorrow when they are having a fishing event for the kids.

Dame's Rocket has started blooming and you can see them
all over the place.

The azaleas have also started to bloom around town.
I saw the usual colors of red, pink, and white but I don't see
very many of the orange ones.

☁️    ☁️

It was house cleaning day.
Had a lot to do today because I didn't get much cleaning done this week.

I hung a load of clothes out but it started to drizzle before they
dried so back inside they came and got hung on the drying rack.

Ken was the cook today and made us fried eggplant 
on top of angel hair spaghetti for supper.

David and Liz came over for supper and game night.
We played Mexican Train and had a great time.
Lots of laughter.

Happy Day to you and thanks again for stopping by.


Tom said...

...Drane's Rocket make an appearance here this week. Hinner looks great on our Fiestaware.

Debby said...

I’ve never seen an orange azalea. Very pretty

Mari said...

I always love seeing cows in the field. I admired some as I drove to and from work today.
Dame's Rocket is showing up here too. I never knew that was the name of it.
I've never seen an orange azalea before.
Sounds like quite a perfect day for you!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Lovely to join you on your morning wander!
Have a lovely day.
Wren x

Granny Marigold said...

Dame's Rocket is so pretty I was once tempted to plant some in my yard. Luckily I found out BEFORE I did that it can be very invasive. So I'll keep enjoying it out in the wild.

doodles n daydreams said...

We often play Mexican train when we go to our sons place for dinner. A lot of fun. The orange azalea is pretty and quite common in gardens around about but not as common as the pink.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The orange Azaleas are a rare find around here, as well. But I think they are my favorites. Beautiful color Fiesta ware, too!

Susan said...

I enjoyed your pictures. If I lived where you did, I could get my steps in and love it. I live in the city and not motivated to walk. You are blessed to live in the country!

Ann said...

The sportsman's club sponsors a fishing derby for the kids here too. It'll be going on today. I remember taking my kids to that when they were little.
All the flowers are so pretty

Jeanette said...

Such pretty flowers! I am partial to the azaleas. So pretty! That fried eggplant looks so good!

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a happy Friday at your place. Those blooms are pretty. That is a fun azalea color.

eileeninmd said...

I like the view of the barn and cows.
The Dames Rockets is pretty here, I see it here too along the roads.
The azaleas are lovely the orange one is pretty.

Take care, enjoy your weekend.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like azaleas, I like that orange one.

All the best Jan

Rose said...

I love azaleas but have had no luck in growing one. It has been years and years since I have tried. I like that view looking down on the cattle.