Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, April 12, 2024


It sure was a windy walk today.
Depending on the direction I walked, I got pushed along or held back.
The kind of wind that makes me laugh.
45 degrees and a few rain sprinkles every once in a while.
I was at town and walking at 6:30.
Sunrise 6:43

First walked up and down all the side streets along the left  side of town.
Then around the ball park a couple of times.
Next past our old house in town and then back to the ball park and around there 2 more times.

Walked back up through town and then up and down all the side streets on the right side of town and back.

Lastly walked around the lower cemetery.
Didn't go up to the other cemetery because it would really have been windy
up there in the open.
Over on the ball park path I spotted this crawfish, crayfish, or crawdad.
Different names same thing.
He was about 4 inches long.

It was alive and when I touched it with my foot,
it turned and was ready to fight.

Worms all over the place.
This too was around the ball park loop.

This old house in town is still slowly falling apart.
The window was boarded up but now that is open to the weather too.
Looking in the window you can still see a light hanging from the ceiling
and a china cabinet against the one wall.
I can just imagine all the goodies I could find going through the house.
There are probably lots of animals living in it too.
The person who owns it doesn't live around here and the town has
been trying to get him to do something about the house for years.

No people about but I did see good ole KitKat.
He was stalking something because he didn't come over to me.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️  💨  🌧

Finished up the house cleaning for the week.
And then, you guessed it
Read and Knitted.

That's it for today.
Happy Friday and thanks for popping in.
Comment Replies:
Rose - I looked up the book you told me about, Snow Child, and yes, I think I would like it.  I have requested it from the library. It is only coming from the library in the next town over so might even have it tomorrow.


Tom said...

...we "enjoyed" a similar day here. I haven't seen a crawfish that big in years. Take care and don't blow away!

Jennifer said...

Yes, it has been windy! But we seem done with the rain for a bit which is nice. Tried to sit on the porch this afternoon but the wind was chilly! Have a wonderful weekend.

Mari said...

It's really windy here too and lots of power outages.
That crayfish looks kind of scary! I wouldn't want to try to pick him up.
The old house is sad. I never understand how people can just leave a place with things in it and let it fall apart.

John's Island said...

Hi Karen, You amaze me. Where do you get the energy to walk 13K+ steps and publish a blog almost every day? 😊 You know, you could probably combine all your blog posts into a book and title it The Story of My Life. People would love it! 😊 Have a great weekend. John

Ginny Hartzler said...

Goodness, I thought Crawdads were only in swampy places! By the way, the movie "Where The Crawdads Sing" is really good.

Granny Marigold said...

That poor old house is slowly deteriorating. Around here any house standing empty for any length of time is sure to get squatters in it. It's a bad problem.

Never seen a crawfish in my life. I have read about them but somehow I thought they lived in water ( after all the word "fish" is right there in the name).

Ann said...

I haven't seen one of those crayfish in years. When I was a kid we used to hang out around a local creek and would spot them there.
That house is so sad. I can never understand how someone could just abandon a house and let it deteriorate like that. It looks like it was a nice house at one time.

eileeninmd said...

The crawfish look huge. I have never seen that many worms, the Robins would have lots to eat there. Cute photo of KitKat! It is really windy here today.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Jeanette said...

One of the things I can't tolerate for long for some reason is wind blowing at me! Too bad about that house. I hope someone takes care of it before it becomes unfixable! I would never do it but I would be so tempted to go inside and see what I can find!

Happy@Home said...

It has been very windy here too. I don't remember ever having so many windy days in a row.
That crayfish must have been an unusual find. Or do you see them fairly regularly? We have been watching one of our favorite You Tubers (Peter Santanello) do a series from Louisiana. One of the locals was teaching Peter how to eat crayfish. It was rather interesting.
It must be frustrating for your town to deal with the homeowner. It's hard to believe that someone can let a house just sit and deteriorate like that. It would be interesting to take a peek inside.

ellen b. said...

Glad you weren't attacked by that little crusty fella! An old abandoned house would be fun to poke around in! Happy weekend to you.

Rose said...

That house is just so sad.. the book is strange. I couldnt not read it once I started...but think I will someday read it again. I cannot wait to see what you think.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Was that crawfish in a puddle? How did it get there? I really don’t know anything about them. I feel sorry for it if it was stranded. Poor little guy. It looked pretty big like the size of a lobster?

The Furry Gnome said...

Shame about that house. It looks like it could be quite nice if it was fixed up. Very windy day here today.