Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, April 13, 2024

Black Sky

 Another windy day but not quite as bad as yesterday.
It was mostly cloudy, 42 degrees, a peek of sun and a very dark sky.
Saw 4 deer and a rabbit on my way to town.
Walking in town at 6:30

First walked around both of the cemeteries.

Then down over to the ball park and walked that loop a couple of times.
Back to the pond and the Jeep to drop off my sweat shirt
and then ended my walk going up and down the main road through town.

A quiet town walk.
Didn't see anyone.

This is what the sky looked like as I got back to the Jeep to go home.
I don't think I've ever seen such a black sky.
It never did rain!!

Morning Walk Steps

☁️   ðŸ’¨   ðŸŒ¥

Stitching day at the library with the ladies.
Not much stitching going on - but we did a lot of talking.
There were 5 of us there this morning and the whole time we
were there only 2 other people visited the library.
The main librarian Kim, retired yesterday so now they are looking
for a replacement.

David and Liz came over late this afternoon for a game day.
We played 3 games of Sorry.

Liz made us Baked Ziti and we had that for supper.
Ken made the garlic bread.

They just left.
I'll be making some weave-it squares this evening
and then there's my ice cream snack to look forward to.

Happy Saturday and thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Jeanette - Oh that house is already beyond repair.  It needs to be torn down.

Kim - I see crayfish around there every so often, but usually not as big as the one from yesterday.

GrannyM - There is a brook behind the ball park and the crayfish came up from there.

Debby - Crayfish was about 4 inches and came up from the brook by the ball park.

Rose - I'll let you know how I like the book.  It wasn't at the library yet.


Jeanette said...

That is a dramatic looking sky!

Tom said...

...slow day at the library, it sounds like!

Sandi said...

Storm coming?

Rose said...

Oh, you just would never understand how much I love the sky pics. I have always liked skies like that. That look through town is so wonderful.

Linda said...

Great pictures! Love the first photo of the town and also the church.

Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, the black sky surrounding the white church! I would have been scared silly! I may have tried to run into the church!

Ann said...

Wow, that is a dark sky. It sure looks like it could have produced one big rain storm.
So if the librarian is retiring is there others to take her place while they look for a replacement?

eileeninmd said...

Wow, that is a dark sky! The Baked ziti sounds yummy along with Ken's bread.
Take care, happy Sunday! Have a great week ahead.

Debbie said...

What a fun day! And that sky looks so scary!

Billie Jo said...

That sky!! And baked ziti with garlic bread? Yes, please!!!

Mari said...

What a sky! It makes for beautiful pics, especially with those white churches.
Your evening sounds wonderful.

ellen b. said...

Love that town shot. Those skies look very dark and dramatic. Interesting that no rain developed. Baked Ziti and garlic bread sounds real good. Enjoy your Sunday.

My Shasta Home said...

I like the photo of the black sky and the white churches.

Granny Marigold said...

The sky looks so dark and almost ominous but doesn't the white church against that sky make a great picture!

Lowcarb team member said...

Wow! That is a dramatic looking sky!

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

That's what the sky looked like to our South during the eclipse. I dont like thunderstorms. Janice