Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, April 22, 2024

The End or maybe just a break

Picture taken sitting on my front porch.

I've been blogging every day for many years and think maybe it
is time to say good bye to blogging.
It's been great blogging and I've met some wonderful people,
some who I've even met in person.
Thank you all for reading about my daily walks and bits about my day.

I might miss blogging and be back again but for now 
I'm at least taking a break.

A happy day to you and God Bless You.
Take a walk and think of me.
happyone 🙂


GrammaGrits said...

Love your posts and you'll be greatly missed. Maybe a short break will give you the break you need . . . Blessings.

Terri said...

I've really enjoyed your posts and will miss you. Sorry for not commenting more. Hope you are back even if just once a week.
Blessings, Terri in Oregon

Tom said...

...have fun.

Kathe said...

I'm going to miss walking with you every day. You inspired me. I hope you'll come back. You are a great witness for Jesus!

Happy@Home said...

I can certainly see how you are ready for a break after faithfully blogging everyday for so many years. I am (perhaps selfishly) hoping that a nice break is what's needed here. I can't imagine not being able to read about your daily walks and day to day happenings anymore. If you do decide to stop blogging, I am grateful to you for your dedication all these many years. You have encouraged and inspired me in so many ways. I thank you for the prayers you have said for my sister. I know for sure I will never take a walk without thinking of you, dear Karen. All the best to you in whatever you decide.

Jennifer said...

Enjoy your time away. I often when this adventure will come to an end for me; however, even if you take a break...it will be there when (and if) you decide to start again. Your posts have been enjoyable and a blessing. And your photos stunning. Thanks for sharing. Many blessings to you!

My Shasta Home said...

I will miss you, Happy One!
I get it though - when I took my little break it was so good for me. I hope it’s not a permanent one and if it is, I wish for you a continued blessed life. Keep walking with Christ!

Galla Creek said...

Well, you can stop blogging, but keep on walking is my advice!

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen, I love reading your posts about your life in Maryland. Take care!❤️❤️

Prims By The Water said...

Take care. You will be missed. I cannot blog every day, thats why I space my posts out every 4 days. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! I look forward to your posts every day. You will be missed. I hope that this is just a little break, and not goodbye for good. I will always consider you my good friend in Accident, Maryland! You were one of the very first blogs I started to faithfully read. Blogland just won't be the same without "Happy One." God bless you. I do hope to see you again in blogland and maybe in person as well.

Michelle said...

I will miss reading your posts. You have inspired many of my walks.

Mari said...

I hope you pop in once in a while. I've really enjoyed your posts and will miss you!

Lowcarb team member said...

You will be missed.
I wish you a good blogging break and happy days ahead.
I will certainly think of you when I take a walk :)

My good wishes to you.

All the best Jan

Sandi said...

Happy day to you, Karen. I hope you come back!

Rose said...

I will so miss your blogs...I will miss seeing what you see on your walks. And your cheerful, caring attitude. Just the day to day things in life are fun to hear about.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh NO! I enjoy your posts so much, and so many have left blogging. I am keeping you on my sidebar in case you return. I will really miss you.

Granny Marigold said...

I can understand how you might be tired of daily blogging. I've enjoyed your posts about your life and your walks. I'll keep walking as long as I can and I'm sure I'll think of you often. Blessings always 💗💗💗

Ann said...

You will certainly be missed. I have enjoyed reading about your daily walks. You'll remain in my reading list so I won't miss anything if you decide to return.

Debbie said...

Enjoy your break and your beautiful walks. Keep stacking up those amazing photos. I've enjoyed your journeys so much.
Many blessings to you :)

Jeanette said...

Well I'll mis seeing your pretty pictures but totally understand. Hopefully, you will be back again some day! Take care!

Ivy Green said...

Best wishes on the rest of your journey. May you be as happy in retirement as you are everywhere you go. Thanks for sharing all these years.

ellen b. said...

Enjoy your break. You will be missed. God bless you and keep you.

The Furry Gnome said...

Karen, you've been one of the faithful daily bloggers who I've followed for a long time now, and I've always been inspired by you commitment to walking. Have a relaxing break and come back to us soon!

Dianna said...

You have been an encouragement to those who read here, my friend. It makes me sad to think you may not be back, but I totally understand how you feel. I've been on a bit of a break at my blog for the last week and a half.

Melanie said...

I will miss our "Walks". Maybe you'll feel like coming back after a break. I know you won't stop your walking! I still remember with fondness when we met with Dianna.

Billie Jo said...

Well, from the amount of comments here, one can conclude that you are indeed loved! I will miss your posts, my friend. But support your decision to step back. We will be here if you choose to return!

Hill Top Post said...

I am not blogging much these days either, but still taking long walks every day. My old computer is on its last leg, so am thinking I will not replace it. I have always enjoyed your blog and will miss it. Maybe you might just pop in every now and then. Take care!

Retired Knitter said...

Hi, Karen, I just officially closed down my blog yesterday with a final post. It’s been awhile since I checked your blog - and I come out here to find you on ‘maybe’ a similar path. Best of luck to you my friend. You were my inspiration to blog 17 years ago. How far we have both come.

Pom Pom said...

I understand, Karen. Sometimes it seems like time for small changes in the things we do. I bet you just take a break and come back, but do what the Lord leads, for sure. I love Jeremiah 6:16 - maybe you are standing at the crossroads, looking at the ancient paths and finding what the good way is going forward. xo

Connie said...

You certainly will be missed. I've enjoyed walking with you and seeing the beauty of your area as well as hearing about your walk with the Lord. Hopefully you'll return even if it's just a monthly or bi-monthly post. You have no idea what an encouragement you have been through your years of blogging.
God bless you,
Connie :)

Henny Penny said...

Oh Karen, something told me to pull up my blog and take a look. You certainly have been a faithful blogger. I don't know how you have found something interesting to post about every day, but you did. Your blog is a good one. I think maybe I feel the same as you. Guess I've had a hard time writing a goodbye post, thinking I will regret it and miss everyone. Have a nice break and post when you feel like it. I will miss you. Love, Henny

doodles n daydreams said...

Enjoy your break, well earned. I took several years off once I lost my blogging muse. Am back at present and i hope you will be one day too. I've always enjoyed your posts. Take care.

John's Island said...

Karen, I will miss you for sure. I think I found Life is Good in about a decade ago. I have been amazed at your ability to post almost every day. As I’ve told you before, you were my inspiration to start walking, take some pictures along the way, and post them on my blog. Over the years, Life is Good has been one of my favorite blogs. You have done a great job with it and I especially have admired your photography. Thank you so much for the multitude of kind comments you have left on John’s Island. And please say HI to Ken, I have admired his model railroading! Thank you again, it has been great following you, and, if you decide to return, we will all welcome you back! Take good care and all the best to you and Ken. John

Aritha V. said...

I wish you rest, a break, or even stopping altogether. Whatever you or you all need. Of course, I hope you come back. Or maybe just once a week or so. Lots of Love from the Netherlands! 🌷

netablogs said...

Your blog has brought joy to many! Thank you!

HWIT BLOGG said...

I understand. Same here. The blog has been a dear friend but I'm running out of inspiration...
Have a lovely sunday & take care!

Kerri Farley said...

I completely know what you mean! I stopped the "daily" thing a while ago. I do enjoy stopping by and seeing what's been happening with you - but you need to do what is best for you. Your blog is one of the very few I visit anymore.

susan q said...

Well try a revised schedule of blogging, Karen, lol. Have a restful time off.