Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, April 29, 2024

Walking Adventure

 I'm not back to blogging but had a fun adventure while walking
this morning that I wanted to tell you about.

Every year the K9 unit of the State Police come to our county for training.  
The police come from all over the east coast.

This morning I was just finishing my walk and was back to the 
parking lot by the pond and some of the State Police cars were parked
there with their dogs.
As I walked around the parking lot I said good morning to the officers
and thanked them for all they do.

One of the officers started talking to me asking where I was going.
Told him I was just finishing up my morning walk.
He then asked me if I would like to be a rescue victim for one of
the dogs to find.
I said sure, I'd love too.

I was given a cloth to hold to get my smell on it so the dog could track me.
The cloth was then put in a plastic evidence bag. 

I walked up the road with the officer for a bit and then he told
me to walk across the lawn and to hide in the cemetery.
There are some trees along the edge of the cemetery and I
went there and hid behind some trees.

I waited for a bit until they let the dog get my smell and it wasn't
long before I saw the dog coming around the trees to find me.
The dogs name is Roudy and she was on a long leash with an officer
on the other end.
They had told me when Roudy finds me that I could make a big deal about it.
So I told he what a good girl she was and got to pet her.
Her fur was so very soft like velvet.
It was so cool and I was so happy I got to be part of the exercise.

They all thanked me for helping them.
I told them I loved doing it and was glad I could help.

Here is Roudy and her handler.

I might have been a bit hasty in thinking I would give up blogging.
It's only been a week and I already miss it so I will be back.
Continuing to take my break but will be back at the end of May.

Thank you all for the comments you left on my quitting blogging post.
They were all so nice and some even made me cry.

Have a wonderful day.


Tom said...

...today I had a great time walking in the park, but no real adventure!

Happy@Home said...

Oh my gosh, what a cool thing to participate in. So glad you popped in to tell us about it. That's definitely not something that happens every day.
I am excited to hear that you aren't ready to give up on blogging quite yet. I have been reading some of your old posts because I missed you so much. Enjoy your break.

Rose said...

Would you believe I am jealous...maybe jealous is the wrong word...but I so would have loved to pet her! I bet that was fun!

Over the weekend Daughter rescued two young squirrels--a combination of from Copper and from drowning.

I am so glad you liked the book...I was afraid I had recommended a you didn't like and did not want to waste your time.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That does sound like a fun experience! Glad the dog found you! 👀

Granny Marigold said...

An adventure very deserving a post ! Maybe when you come back to blogging you'll choose not to blog every single day. I try for every second and even then there are times ( usually January and February) when I struggle to find anything to write about.

Mari said...

I was so happy to see a post from you, and even happier that you will be back in a while.
That was a great adventure!

Ivy Green said...

What a great story, thank you for sharing!

doodles n daydreams said...

Lucky you :) what a great way to start the day, with a cool adventure. Have a good rest of the day.

Connie said...

See, your life is so interesting and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your adventures with the police dog, how exciting to be a part of their training exercises.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, a once in a lifetime experience for sure!!! I am so glad that you miss blogging and will be back!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! I am so glad you have decided to come back to blogging at the end of May! I was missing you and blogland isn't the same without you. I really felt like I was losing a friend, so thanks for sticking with blogging! What a cool thing that you were able to help with the police K-9 training. That really is quite the adventure! Roudy is a really beautiful dog. I'm with you - I am so grateful for all first responders and all the ways they help and all the lives they save. I hope you have a great week and a good month of May. I will look forward to your return! :-)

Ann said...

What an awesome experience that had to have been. Roudy is good at her job.
I'm so happy that you'll be back to blogging. I've missed hearing about your daily walks.

R's Rue said...

I love hearing about your adventures.

The Furry Gnome said...

That sounds like a fun time! Grown-up hide and seek.

eileeninmd said...

I've been away from my blog on an Arizona vacation.
I hope you are not stopping your blog post.
I enjoy your photos and hear about your day.
Nice story about Roudy the rescue dog.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Prims By The Water said...

How fun to be a part of the training. I would have said yes in a minute too! Janice

Lowcarb team member said...

How nice to be able to help and participate in this.
Lovely photograph of Roudy and her handler.

Yay! I'm so pleased to read that you'll be back to blogging at the end of May.

All the best Jan

Jeanette said...

That is so cool! What a great experience to have. I am always amazed at what they can train dogs or any animals for that matter to do! Glad you will be back blogging. Enjoy your break!

ellen b. said...

Karen, that is so great and such a cool experience. They found a great volunteer for sure. Have a nice break and see you again the end of May...if not earlier. Happy May!

Michelle said...

So glad to hear from you! Nice photo of Roudy and her handler!

Kerri Farley said...

What a great adventure!

Kathe said...

Yay! We get to walk with you again! I'm so glad they found you or else you might still be hiding. :)

Aritha V. said...

O what a nice story. I love it. And I am happy you said no good bye for ever.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That really is awesome! And I hope you will just take a break and be back soon. I thought of you a week or so ago when I opened a new pair of hiking shoes to wear. I went right to Amazon and ordered another pair. I know you keep 'spares' and I'm glad they still had my favs! Happy walking!

bunw1125@gmail.com said...

What a neat experience! Glad you decided to have a break, but very happy you are going to blog again.
Enjoy your weekend.

Retired Knitter said...

I’ve known you a long time and you were blogging way before we met. I recently quit (at least I think I did) but I knew you would never quit. It is part of you now.