Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Another encounter with Ki


Walked to town again this morning.
Left at 6:20.
It was 42 degrees, calm, and sunny.
Sunrise 6:31

Saw a couple of deer on my way to town.
Scared one of them and they ran so fast across the street that she
slipped and fell.
Got right back up and didn't appear to be hurt.
I felt so bad that I scared it.

Coming into town.

I walked through town and at the DG Market turned around 
and headed back home.

Ken went to the Shop and Save while I was walking.
I was just leaving town on the way home when I saw him.
I thought maybe he'd leave a little earlier and when he was on his way home I could get a ride up the hill,
But by the time I saw him on his way home I was already just about to the end of our driveway.

I once again encountered the dog Ki and the other dog came along too.
I'm glad they are both just little dogs.
This time they circled me and one of them got behind me and gave me a nip on the back of my leg.
I had my stick and just waved it in front of me and yelled at them to go home.
I finally yelled loudly 
and the owner finally called them back.
I have pepper spray and almost used it.
The owners aren't very friendly anyway so didn't want to cause any trouble.

I thought back to when I ran over that poor rabbit and wished it was
Ki I ran over!!
Not a very nice thought is it, coming from happyone.🙂
By the way the house in the first picture is where the dogs live.
The big building is a huge garage and the house is kind of hidden behind the trees.

My Morning Walk Steps

☀️    🙂    🐕

    This morning Liz came along with me to the library for stitching time.
She enjoyed it and will go again when she doesn't have to work.
There were 6 of us there.
Picked up a book that I had requested
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey that Rose thought I'd might like.
Also picked out another off the shelf that sounded good.

It was a sunny but cool and windy day so stayed inside this afternoon
and puttered about the house.

Happy Saturday and thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Ginny - Yes, there are leash laws in our county but obviously these people don't care.  Ki is a Chihuahua and the other one today is a miniature poodle.  There is no way I could give these dogs a treat - they'd bite me.  They are just mean little things.


Sandi said...

Maybe you should avoid that way.one nipped your leg? 🙁

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those people should not get away with this! But if you report them, they may know it was you, and who knows what may follow! Especially if they are not friendly. Those little chihuahuas are nasty when they are mad or scared. When our son was a little boy, one ran up to him out of the blue and bit him on the stomach. Next time, use the pepper spray. You would sure be within your rights. But then again, you may not want to make those people mad. What a dilemma!

susan q said...

I walk in a park with a leash rule, some obey and some do not. Dog owners think everyone wants to pet their dogs. Not everyone has fond memories of their dogs.

Lowcarb team member said...

It maybe best to avoid that area if you can!
I do like your 4th photograph here, the light looks amazing.

All the best Jan

Kerri Farley said...

Love that pic of the church along the road!

Tom said...

...dog owners are always considerate.

Mari said...

It's no wonder Ki is not nice, since the owners aren't either. Sorry you have to put up with that.
I just finished Garden Spells and enjoyed it. Now I need the next one.

Granny Marigold said...

There are dog owners that are so inconsiderate. I would not hesitate to use that pepper spray next time.
Lovely picture of the church in sunshine.

Kaia said...

When we had a little, sweet dog our neighbors told me to keep her off of their property. Now they have 2 bigs dogs that have ran full force at me on my own property. I just stand still, they circle me and get called home. This has happened 3 times in the last 4 weeks. The first 2 times after the dogs left, I yelled to the owner. He must not have “heard me “. This last time both owners yelled for the dogs. They never said sorry or anything. Be careful.

Rose said...

I won't even say my thoughts about the dogs/dog owners...you would really know what an awful person I am.

I love that shot where you shot from the shade but the sun is shining on the church.

Ann said...

I think I would be tempted to report them after having one nip your leg. I probably would have had the same thought about which animal to run over.

Prims By The Water said...

When I was a id once when I rode my bike along dirt road this german shepherd came out after me. Glad I was able to get away from him fast on my bike, otherwise if I had been walking it would have been a different story. Janice

Trish Hisle said...

I live in an area with coyotes and when I walk my little Yorkie, I carry a dog horn. It's a small air horn we purchased on Amazon. I've had to use it twice, and I cannot believe how loud and how effective it is! They aren't expensive at all, don't harm the animal but they send it running, tail between its legs!! Perhaps it would help with this little menace :0)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I hope you are better after the dog bite.

God bless.

ellen b. said...

Sorry about the dogs circling you. That happened to me once and it is so frightening. I'd try the pepper spray. Nowadays it is getting to where animals are treated better than people. Things are upside down in a lot of areas of life.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

After the dog nipped me I would report it. I like peace and all but if those dogs nipped at you, they’d probably nip at a child. Nope - I’d report the dogs and then prepare for any consequences from the neighbors. Chances are nothing major will happen with the neighbors - except for a few dirty looks or passive aggressive acts.
Years ago I pulled into my driveway and a pit bull wouldn’t let me get out of my car - I had to phone my husband in the house. He came out with a baseball bat - the dog chewed at the bat and was distracted while I ran to the house. We called the police and the dog was taken. The neighbors weren’t happy but days later once the dog was sprung, the pit bull mauled a child’s face. The dog was then deemed dangerous and was put down.
Sometimes we have to make a stand; if not for ourselves but for future victims that may not be as fortunate.

The Furry Gnome said...

Next time, have the pepper spray ready!

HWIT BLOGG said...

Lovely lovely pictures from a lovely walk...