Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Another day another walk 🙂

55 degrees this morning, cloudy, and a bit windy when I went
walking this morning.
Arrived in town at 6:20 
Sunrise 6:44

First walked around the upper cemetery with a visit down to see the
bulls and around the big barn to see the cows.
This is the other side of the barn.
Some kind of curtain is lowered all along this side when it is cold or windy.

This bull is in the field in back of the cemetery.
He is a big guy and didn't even give me a glance.

Continued my walk over to the ball park.
A couple of mail trucks getting ready to be towed away.

After a couple of laps around the ball park walked back to the other cemetery
and went around there a couple of times too.
Rebecca was walking there too and there she is way in the distance.

Joy was also out walking.

Walked up and down the main road in town and during the last 1,000
steps it started to drizzle.
Didn't last though and by the time I was home it had stopped.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    ☁️

Book Club meeting day and it was just as I thought, we all liked the book,
Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen.
 (First Frost is the sequel and I have requested it)
There were 9 of us there at the library.
That's a good turn out for us.

We had some rain this afternoon.
I didn't do anything except knit.

That's it for today.
A happy Thursday to you and thanks for popping in for a visit.

Comment Replies:
Rose - The blanket I'm making is knitted not crocheted.  I can do the basic crochet but prefer knitting.

Ginny - The yarn is self-striping. That is the only way I'd be able to knit that pattern!! 🙂

Debi - Here is the yarn and label for the blanket I'm knitting.  I ordered the yarn on line from Herrschiners.

Anonymous - I've read The Story of Arthur Truluv by Elizebeth and like it.  Plan on reading the rest of the series.


Faith said...

I love that you get up so early and get out to your town to walk. You must live in a small town!! I couldn't walk around ours.....ours is a huge sprawling suburb with NO sidewalks and very busy streets/roads but we have an amazing Bike Path system where people jog, run, walk, roller blade, bike. I love it. It follows the Erie Canal/Mohawk River. I also walk in my neighborhood or local preserves every day. I usually just do 2-3 miles a day. I should increase it now that hiking season is upon us!

Dianna said...

Garden Spells sounds like a good book considering everyone on the book club enjoyed it. I'll check it out.

Glad you had some knitting time today.

We are currently under a tornado watch until 9:00 tonight.

Tom said...

...the price of a first class stamp is going up 5 cents to pay for the repairs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I am totally gob smacked about the yarn. I never heard of such a thing! I showed it to my husband and he was telling me how he thinks they make it. Totally amazing to me.

Mari said...

It's been raining here today all day. Makes for a dreary day, but we do need that rain sometimes!
I have ordered Garden Spells and look forward to reading it!

Granny Marigold said...

I also have ordered Garden Spells and First Frost. Our local library only has the audiobook so I'm getting them from the used book store here in town. I'm not a fan of audio books.

It was overcast but pleasant when we walked this morning but now, late afternoon, it is raining.

Lowcarb team member said...

The book Garden Spells sounds excellent and interesting that all of the book club members enjoyed it.

All the best Jan

Rose said...

If I would have paid attention, I would have noticed the knitting needles...I don't know where my mind was, other than I just love the colorway.

I wonder if you would like The Snow Child...it is different. Daughter got it for me for Christmas a year or two ago.

Every time I see that barn I think 'That is one BIG barn!'

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. So glad you had a nice book club meeting and that all of you enjoyed the book. Have a good Friday. See you then.

Ann said...

I'm glad the weather has been good enough for you to go out and walk.
What a great turn out for your book club.

eileeninmd said...

I like the shots of the barn and the bull.
I will have to check out the book, it sounds good.
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

ellen b. said...

That is the nicest looking cow barn I've ever seen. Fun to finally see others out walking. Fun to have a nice turnout for the book club. We are heading into another very busy birthday and Irish dancing weekend here! Happy Friday and weekend to you.

Jeanette said...

Beautiful morning pictures! That is a nice looking barn!

Happy@Home said...

That is a big cow barn!
I am going to check out that book. If you all liked it and it has garden in the title, it sounds right up my alley :).
Have a wonderful weekend.