Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, March 14, 2024

Mexican Train NIght

38 degrees this morning, clear, calm, and eventually sunny.
 Walking in town at 6:40
Sunrise 7:28

Walked straight through town to the DG Market and walked
up and down the road behind it.

Then around the industrial park.
Here at a dead end, 

I walked up to the start of the woods.
I'm always tempted to walk through the woods and find my way to
the back of the ball park where it ends up,
but don't know who owns it and don't want to trespass.
I really need to find out who owns it and if I would be allowed to walk there.

A business is for sale in the IP.
I've been walking around here since we moved here just about 11
years ago now, and this is the third time I've seen it for sale.

Continued walking back to town and over to the ball park.
Four Robins walking around the ball park too.

Lastly walked over to the lower cemetery and a loop around
there ended my walk.

Morning Walk Steps


My book club meeting was this morning.
I didn't read the book 
(First Ladies by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray)
which just didn't appeal to me.
But went to the meeting anyway just to see the women.
There were 7 of us there.
Kim, one of the librarians made little bags of popcorn for us
which was a nice surprise.

David and Liz are coming over for supper and a game night
of Mexican Train.
I'm making Taco Bake.
Didn't make a dessert because we are all trying to cut down a bit.
(I still plan on eating my ice cream later this evening 🙂 🍨)

That's all I've got for today.
Happy Thursday and thanks for visiting.
Comment Replies:
Jeannette - What I mean by the real thing is that the fish and chips tastes like they make it in the UK.  You just can't beat their fish and chips!!! 



Tom said...

...Mexican Train is new to me. I have sugar free Jello for dessert!

Mari said...

I bet if you can find the owners of the woods, they would let you walk there. And I'm sure you always enjoy new places to walk.
Your Taco bake looks good, and I'm sure you're having fun playing Mexican Train!

Lowcarb team member said...

Enjoy supper and Mexican train night with David and Liz.

All the best Jan

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Your taco bake is similar to my tamale pie. Instead I use cornmeal on top.

Dianna said...

Isn't it odd how certain buildings seem to be on the market more often than others?

I bet that would be a fun walk through the woods. Hope you find out who owns it so you can get permission to walk through.

I love it that you went to the book club at the library even though you didn't read the book, but because you wanted to see the other ladies.

Sandi said...

What is Mexican Train Night?

Lisa said...

Some fruit on top of a piece of angel food cake is good and not so fattening.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The taco bake looks wonderful. Oh my, you are brave. Even thinking of walking through the woods in the dusk!

ellen b. said...

Our family including Addy enjoy playing Mexican Train. The meal sounded good! Sounds like a good walk today, too.

Ann said...

That building sure goes through a lot of businesses.
I never heard of Mexican Train.

eileeninmd said...

Nice, walk! Sounds a like a great evening with your family.
Take care, enjoy your day and your weekend.!

Debbie said...

That's a nice building for sale. It looks like it would make a great antique/junk store. Also, that taco bake looks delicious. I make one similar, but use cornbread on top and call it Cowboy Cornbread :)

Jeanette said...

Thanks for answering my question! Must be a bad location for that building that can't hold a business for long.

Prims By The Water said...

There is a house up the road that has been sold four times since I have lived here the last 20 years. Just wonder what is wrong with it. With a business, I always say location is everything. We went to four different towns before choosing the building for our antique store back in 2010. Guess we chose a good one. Taco bake looks good. m making tacos and cheese nachos this weekend. Janice

Granny Marigold said...

I treasure our Sunday afternoon Mexican Train games. It's so much fun.

It was nice that you could attend the Book Club meeting even if you hadn't read the book; you could still visit with the others.