Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, March 27, 2024


At 6:25 I was in town and walking.
On the way to town down from my house I saw 
a groundhog run across the road.
Also 9 deer walking down the side of the road.
It was 42 degrees, cloudy, and no wind this morning.
Sunrise 7:08

The morning moon shining through the clouds.

 Walked over to the library first and dropped off a DVD.
Next it was over to the ball park and around there a couple of times.

Continued around town and then around both of the cemeteries
and ended with another tour around town.

Fertilizer has started being put on the fields and it isn't the most pleasant smell.
Wonder if they will be planting corn again this year or soy beans.

Finally I saw someone else out walking.
John and his dog Prim.

Noticed a for sale sign on a house along the main road.
I think a good location because right out the back door is the library!!😀
The green roof which you can barely see is the library.

Spotted these little pink flowers along the way.
Don't know what they are called.
I'm sure you know Tom. 🙂
Edit - Thanks Tom
Glory-of-the-snow, Chionodoxa lucilae.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️  ☁️

After a breakfast of scrambled eggs we started out for Bedford
with the trailer loaded with the scriptures.
Had a good trip there and enjoyed the scenery on the way.
The forsythia isn't blooming in our area but we show
plenty of it blooming on the way.

Nice to have three guys there to help unload and reload.
I didn't have to do anything.

Beacon of Truth is where we go for the scriptures and they
are putting an addition on the building.

There is a Wendy's pretty close by and we stopped there for lunch
like we usually do and had their spicy chicken.

Another nice ride home.
Since we had lunch at Wendy's we're counting that as our main meal
so supper will be 'a fend night'.

That's all for today.
Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Fend night! We call it Jump for the Cupboards!

Tom said...

...the flowers are Glory-of-the-snow, Chionodoxa luciliae.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like you had a nice trip to Bedford and back. You might has said before, but how long does it take you to drive there. We are having a "fend night" of sorts here. Charly is having leftovers and I will have a grilled cheese sandwich. Hope you have another good day tomorrow. See you then!

Granny Marigold said...

Chionodoxa are such pretty flowers. Years ago I put in some bulbs and a few still come up every year. I had wanted them to spread but they haven't.

Lowcarb team member said...

How lovely to see the morning moon shining through the clouds.

Pleased you had a good trip to Bedford.

All the best Jan

Dianna said...

Glad you had a good trip to Bedford and back. Such a wonderful ministry that they have...as well as your church.

I enjoy Wendy's also.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm glad you didn't have to do the unloading! I would like to know what these flowers are as well.

Skeeter28 said...

greetings from a WalkerTracker Friend;
lovely photos on your morning walk.
I am not an early morning walker, or early morning anything.
I walk before dinner. Oops Toni D from Walker Tracker just made an
entry on our app game WordFeud; off to play with her.
Stay safe.

Ann said...

That house for sale looks like a nice one.
Nice that there were plenty of helpers to unload so you didn't have to do anything.
When you live alone, every night is a fend night

eileeninmd said...

I like the sky shot and the flowers!
I am glad you had a nice safe ride to and from Bedford.
Take care, have a great day!

Prims By The Water said...

Gosh I have not had Wendy's in such a long time. Its a 45 minute drive to one from us. Lunch sounded good. Janice

Mari said...

Looks like a nice walk, but I do know that it doesn't smell great when they start spreading those fields.
Glad your travels went well and you had a nice day to do it.

jack69 said...

Some how I am being kicked off line. So I will post this when the connections come back. That was a beautiful sky on the entry yesterday. For today I love a field ready o be planted and I am seeing little blue flowers in the yards back home. But down here we see flowers most of the winter. I will copy this and be ready to past when I get the net. I do enjoy your walks….

ellen b. said...

I like how you can always depend on a fellow blogger to identify something! Pretty wild flowers! Have a nice day!