Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, March 08, 2024

A Robin

A dry windy morning and 42 degrees.
Started out cloudy but saw some sun too.
At town and walking at 6:25 and sunrise was at 6:38.

A lovely morning to be out walking.
Walked around both cemeteries and the ball park.
Then it was walking up and down all the streets in town.

I've been seeing Robins around but haven't been able to capture a
picture of one till today.

No walkers about but work continues on the new houses in town
and at the modular home there is now stairs leading to the
front door instead of cinderblocks.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    🌤

Appointment this morning for the final pacemaker check up for Ken.
All is well and he can go back to his normal routine.
Once again I want to thank all of you who prayed for him.

We were back home in time for lunch.

Just puttered about the house this afternoon.

Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by

I couldn't find the author of this poem.
Does anyone know?

Dear Neighbor
Today my hands are strong
So let me help you.
Tomorrow they may be weak
Or old or sick and you will 
Have to lighten my load.
Today my hands are strong
So let me share your burdens.
For why do exist, if we 
Cannot care for one another,
Walk others paths, know
Their sorrows?
Neighbor, today my hands 
Are strong.
Let me help you.


Dianna said...

Love the poem! Goes right along with my "kindness" theme. :)

So happy to hear that Ken's final check up with the pacemaker went well. Glory be to our Father Who sustains us.!

ellen b. said...

Lovely poem. Hooray for getting the photo of the robin. We saw one this week, too.

Lowcarb team member said...

A beautiful sky and a lovely picture of the Robin (my favourite bird).
So pleased that Ken's final check-up went well.

Many thanks for your comment on my Cinnamon Cake post.
To answer your question, Swerve is a Sweetener, a sugar substitute that has zero calories and does not raise your blood sugar. It’s made from natural ingredients and can be used for baking.
You can read more about it here

I have just updated the post to include Swerve (sweetener) as Mari also asked what Swerve was :)

All the best Jan

Mari said...

Such a pretty pink and blue sky!
Nie to see the Robins again.
Thankful for the good report on Ken!

Tom said...

...robins found their back to our yard this week. Is that a container to keep the bears out of the garbage?

Pom Pom said...

That's a lovely poem! I didn't know Ken had to get a pacemaker but I pray that he feels calm and confident about it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the poem, and the beautiful pink streaked sky. Hurrah on the good pacemaker news!!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Seeing the first robins is always a good sign! Love sharing your morning walks with you, my friend.

Granny Marigold said...

I love Robins and their cheery songs. It says SPRING IS COMING !!
I saw some daffodils blooming in the park. Mine are not nearly that far along.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Lovely poem at the end. Spring is on the way! We had a lovely day here as well. So glad that Ken's surgery was successful and that the pacemaker is doing just what it should do! Have a great weekend! See you again soon. :-)

Ann said...

I've been spotting robins around here recently too. Always a welcome sign. Curious about the structure the robin is sitting on.
Glad to hear all went well with Ken's appointment.

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous sunrise photo. Love the cute Robin too.
I am glad all went well with Ken's checkup.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Sandi said...

beautiful poem

Prims By The Water said...

Our Robins and Red Winged Blackbirds are back now and I can hear their songs when I go outside now. Even saw a Heron flying over the other day. Spring is almost here it seems....and I say almost because we are on tap for snow again tomorrow. Janice