Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Finished Puzzle

Another cold sunny morning for walking.
Got to town at 6:40
Sunrise 7:19
Temperature was 27 degrees
Morning Walk Steps 13,109

A walk all over town, up and down the main road, side streets,
the ball park loop and both cemeteries.

Lots of blue sky with little bits of puffy clouds.

The only person I saw was Kermit on his porch trying to get
mud off his shoes.

Looks like they are getting ready to make a driveway at the modular home.
Putting down lots of gravel.
Don't know if it will just be gravel or paved yet.

🌤    ❤️    😀 

Did the usual house chores around the house.

Finished the latest puzzle.
It was a fun one though a little bit of a challenge.
We will keep this one to do again some time.
We've done it once before back in 2020.
We turn our finished puzzles over and write on the back of them.

I downloaded a new operating system on my imac today.
It took quite a while but happy to report all went well.

Todays measuring cups are ones I've had for many years and the
ones I use most often.
I got them at a Tupperware Party when we lived in Puerto Rico
back in the late 70's.
I like these because they have a 3/4 cup and a 2/3 cup.

That's all for today folks.
Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.
happyone ❤️


Tom said...

...the puzzle is a flash from the past.

Happy@Home said...

I am singing the Happy Days theme song after seeing your puzzle.
I have those same measuring cups in an ivory color. I like them for the same reason. I think my measuring spoons are in your color.

Mari said...

Isn't it nice to have blue skies and the sun rising earlier?
I like that puzzle and it's a good idea to write the date you did it on the back.
I have those measuring cups in ivory and use them all the time!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the blue skies in the first pictures. I have a set of Tupperware measuring cups too, but I think a couple of pieces of the set got lost. I love that puzzle. Wow, you and Ken have lived a lot of interesting places. Sometimes you will write about all of the different places you have lived over the years. It's still raining here. I hope you have a good Thursday. See you then!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have the same Tupperware measuring cups, have had them for decades. They are the ones I use the most too. I love them, and use the odd sized ones a lot. But mine are multi-color. The puzzle looks hard!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. The sky is gorgeous!

Granny Marigold said...

Beautiful summer clouds in a winter sky!! We didn't see the sun at all today but it wasn't that chilly. I even puttered outside for a while in the afternoon.
I have a similar set of measuring cups but mine are not Tupperware.

Ann said...

Love that puzzle.
Those odd size measuring cups would be very handy. There are a lot of recipes that call for 2/3 or 3/4

eileeninmd said...

I love the pretty puffy clouds and sky!
I recently bought a new set of metal measuring cups, they seem easier to clean. Take care, have a great day!

Dianna said...

I knew you lived in Scotland at one time, but didn't realize you had also lived in Puerto Rico, too. You are a world traveler, my friend. I really like those measure cups for the same reason that you do. It would be so nice to have a 2/3 measuring cup, especially when I have to measure out shortening and such.

The puzzle is beautiful...love all of the colors!

Jennifer said...

Love your puzzle!! And cups from the 70s...that is impressive:) Have a great day!!

LC said...

Loved the morning sky and your walking report. Your posts are an encouragement to this old lady.

ellen b. said...

I love my tupperware set, too, for the same reason. Mine is yellow. That is a fun puzzle and it's the theme of our Valentine's evening at church this Friday night. Al's diner murder mystery. :) We aren't going this year. This whole week has gotten away from me and I'm late visiting blogs! Happy Thursday to you.

Lowcarb team member said...

How nice to see the lovely blue skies.
I like that puzzle.

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

Your jigsaw puzzle reminds me of one we had for sale in our store. Just lovely. So are the measuring cups. Janice

Rose said...

I had those exact cups...I don't have them any more since moving here.