Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, February 08, 2024

A dollar

 27 degrees this morning, calm with clouds and some sun.
Didn't see the skunk but sure did smell it.
To town and walking at 6:35
Sunrise 7:17

My usual walk up and down all the streets in town, the ball park loop
and both of the cemeteries.

The man who runs around the ball park was out running his laps.
First person I've seen out exercising is quite a while.
I did knew his name at one time but have forgotten it.
Runners don't usually like to stop and chat so we just say good morning
as we pass by.

Haven't found any coins for while when I've been out walking 
and though I didn't find any coins today I found a dollar bill.
I turned the dollar into 4 quarters and put them in the glass bank.

Morning Walk Steps 12568

🌤    💰    ❤️    😀

Time to change the water filter today down in the basement.
We do it together so if I ever have to do it alone I know how to do it.
It gets changes about every 4 months.

My book club meeting was today but I didn't go this month.
Don't remember too much about the book because I read it a while ago.
The book is held over from the last month when the meeting was
cancelled because of the weather.

The measuring cups pictured today are ones I bought in June of 2017.
I got them at a store called Whispering Pines.
 I met two blogger friends Dianna and Melanie there and we looked
around the store and had lunch.

Starting sewing the baby blanket together for this month.
Read and knitted some today too.

Thought briefly about going outside and washing my Jeep
but that's all I did - thought about it.
I'm probably going to be sorry I didn't take advantage of a sunny
afternoon that wasn't too cold.

That's it for now.
Happy Thursday and thanks for stopping by.
happyone ❤️


Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my! That's a beautiful colour sky!

All the best Jan

Faith said...

I LOVE the colors in the picture of the sky!! GORGEOUS!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The measuring cups are so cute. They would be nice served as individual dip cups.

Tom said...

...a dollar is quite a find!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I love those measuring cups! So cute. It's so nice you were able to meet up with a couple of blogging friends and now you have something to remember your meeting by. Hope you have a good Friday. See you then.

Mari said...

What a pretty sky!
A whole dollar - that will up your total nicely.
I've been friends with Dianna for some time and only recently met Melanie. It's wonderful that you got to meet them!

ellen b. said...

Wow! A dollar. Wonder where it flew in from? :) Those are fun colorful measuring cups. Have a good evening.

Dianna said...

That was such a a fun time with you and Melanie. 💟

Dolores said...

Such a beautiful sky promises a great day ahead. I wish you all a wonderful day.

Ann said...

Always good to find money when you're out walking. I need to wash my car too but I think it needs vacuumed out inside even more.
I like your measuring cups, they're unique.

Aritha V. said...

The sky is so nice. How nice that you found money. I've never experienced that, but who knows, if I pay attention, maybe I'll find something too. But in the woods it's different than in the village, of course.

Jeanette said...

Gorgeous first picture! Those measuring cups are so cute!

Granny Marigold said...

Cute measuring cups. Like Ginny mentioned, they could be used as dip cups.

Prims By The Water said...

Have never seen measuring cups like that before. Cute. It was 64 yesterday and we were not complaining. In the 40's right now. I r=think rain is moving in tomorrow or Monday. Janice